1st) Kylo Ren -- Through out most of the movie, it seemed that he was just playing at being a villain. But when he does his thing, to me it goes a bit further than Anakin ever did. Ren already killed kids...when he was one himself...but then he goes and does that. So far, he has been seen being more evil than Anakin ever was. All of Anakins most despicable acts were committed off screen.
2) I know that there is 30 years of history between RotJ and TFA, but there was a little too much that was unexplained, at least to me. Like who the hell was Max von Sydow in the beginning. He is in that one scene, I don't remember a name being given, and is not alluded to again. Another thing that bothered me and felt like it needed a bit more explanation was Anakins/Luke Lightsaber. There is one line of dialogue about how it, after being falling down a huge mineshaft with the rest of his hand on a Gas Giant, wound up in the possession of Yoda-ette. A simple, "There is a story there." That's it. That is basically JJ Abrams saying, Hey Disney, sell a book.
But...it is Star Wars and feels like Star Wars. I like the new generation and hope they don't do something like make Rey Luke's Daughter.
Beckett: Me too.
~When Castle and Beckett met Gene Simmons.