Active Users:2943 Time:22/01/2025 06:34:27 PM
Finn reacts and is pretty much drug through the story random thoughts Send a noteboard - 06/01/2016 02:52:58 PM

View original postFinn is plenty strong-willed and independent - if rebelling against the Storm Troopers when those are all he has ever known, while rescuing a rebel pilot along the way, isn't impressive enough for you, he then repeatedly proves his independent thinking and his self-confidence, especially with that bluff about knowing how to disable the shields on the big bad weapon. While kicking ass along the way when it comes down to fights - if he's using completely alien weapons, it may take a few tries but he learns nearly as fast as Rey. And it is after all only the first movie, so he has space left to grow.

Escaping from the Strom Troopers is about the only decision he makes. I will give you the fact the he was able to hold his own for a little while in light saber battle against a trained sith which makes no sense at all. I am not saying he a complete wimp but there is no argument about who was leading and it wasn't him.

View original postThere is nothing weak about Finn, unless you count that one detail of not being Rey. Which, you know, deal with it. If Rey had been a guy, you wouldn't have been here complaining that Finn was made weaker or reduced to a sidekick.

No I would have called him a weak character compared to first series regardless of who was with him. I think Rey was a poorly developed character. The best character and most likeable character was the pilot and it would have been a better movie if they had left Finn out and just had him.

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View original postAs for helping the plight of women and minorities that is just flawed logic. I fully support making a main character black, the original series did it to a degree. Of the major black characters in the series Finn, the former sanitation worker, is the weakest and I am not sure how making the black man the little buddy to the white girl helps minorities. I do object to the idea that new white characters can only be bad guys and need to look as much like Nazis as possible, make sure you zoom in on those blue eyes and blonde hair. I am sure that was no accident fro the Jewish Abrams.

View original postI have no idea what you're talking about, considering that Kylo Ren has black hair and looks a lot more Jewish than Nazi, if I have to pick one of the two.

That is because I was not referring Kylo Ren, he was not really the bad guy but was an angry and troubled victim. General Hox is the real bad guy. Like his grandfather before him Ren will be redeemed. Look at the scenes of Hox addressing his troops and tell me Nazi doesn't come to mind.

View original postNobody expects this sort of thing to magically cure racism or sexism, but that's not what it's about. It's about giving little kids of racial minorities, or little girls, the idea that they can be the hero of the story just as the little white boy can. As I said to Tom, there aren't many genres where the setting and plot will allow you to be truly colourblind and genderblind, so in cases like Star Wars that do allow it, the opportunity shouldn't be missed.

The first series accomplished and still gave positive heroes to little white boys. Take a look at the movies out recently and explain again how there is a lack of strong females characters. Hunger Games, Harry Potter, the latest Avengers, Fury Road, The 100 ect ect. There is a better argument to be made for a lack of strong black roles but since blacks only make about 15% of the country I think the argument could be made that they are represented correctly. Hispanics on the other hand make up a larger percentage of population and the main Hispanic character had a limited role despite the fact he was one of the strongest characters

View original postWhile we're at it, I don't want to give the idea that I'm scorning the earlier SW movies - Leia did have an important role, and there were coloured characters in important role before. But A New Hope came out in 1977 - in 2015, the time is ripe for a more active female lead.

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View original postThe idea that portraying women as a match for men in close combat is not just misguided but it is down right stupid and has the exact opposite affect that is intended. In the real world when girls fight boys they get hurt and they can be hurt badly. Anything that makes it OK for a man to fight a women like she is a man does not help women and presenting women as equals to men in combat does exactly that.

View original postI completely disagree. Men are stronger and taller than women and consequently have an edge in physical combat -
on average. Girls getting hurt if they try to take on a guy depends entirely on the girl, and the guy. There's nothing wrong as such with a man fighting a woman like she is a man - the wrongness is in the man trying to hurt someone weaker just because he can, or to impose his will through violence. Which is just as wrong when he does it to a physically weak man, or when it's a woman doing it (don't know if you saw this, but inbetween all the fuss about the NFL's domestic violence policy, the WNBA had an ugly incident of its own).

Sorry but that is horse shit. Men on average are 50% stronger than women, have more capacity and more blood cells. Like other species with sexual dimorphism similar to humans the male of the species is designed to be able fight to defend his right to breed and to survive when he is pushed put out the troop. The female is designed to give birth and hold status in the troop. The reality is only a tiny percentage of females can hold their own against even average males and none can hold their own against the more elite males and no amount of wishful thinking or bad ass chicks in the movies is going to change that. In the vast majority of female on male abuse cases the males was not fighting back or was attacked with a weapon.

View original postBut if this means that you're finally admitting that your problem is simply with the premise of the next big SW hero being a woman, perhaps we can stop the pretence that this is somehow about Finn, and conclude our whole debate really just boils down to me applauding a female heroine and you deploring it.

I have no problem with the lead being a women. Can you finally admit that they lessen the men to make the female lead more believable?

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Star Wars : The Force Awakens review (spoiler free) - 17/12/2015 09:18:26 AM 2203 Views
Love your review! I'm seeing it tomorrow night at 9pm. Can't wait! *NM* - 18/12/2015 01:20:16 AM 728 Views
Some (relatively spoiler free) thoughts - 18/12/2015 12:27:22 PM 1281 Views
I pretty much agree with most of that. - 18/12/2015 01:05:16 PM 1207 Views
Agreed, Driver did a great job..... - 19/12/2015 05:46:44 AM 1065 Views
Replies and spoilers - 18/12/2015 03:04:37 PM 1144 Views
Re: Replies and spoilers - 18/12/2015 04:35:49 PM 1001 Views
Re: Replies and spoilers - 18/12/2015 05:51:29 PM 1038 Views
Re: Replies and spoilers - 29/12/2015 04:44:36 AM 1058 Views
Re: Replies and spoilers - 29/12/2015 07:37:39 PM 1037 Views
Re: Replies and spoilers - 19/12/2015 05:30:13 PM 1067 Views
Re: Replies and spoilers - 20/12/2015 09:51:22 AM 1223 Views
Re: Replies and spoilers - 21/12/2015 06:31:54 PM 1367 Views
The books... - 21/12/2015 09:05:28 PM 1137 Views
Re: The books... - 22/12/2015 03:12:52 AM 1069 Views
In general agreement ** potential Spoilers ** - 19/12/2015 06:06:23 AM 1032 Views
There are books? - 19/12/2015 11:19:07 AM 1093 Views
Re: There are books? - 19/12/2015 05:41:45 PM 1134 Views
So Darth Plagieus might still be in? Sweet. - 20/12/2015 04:44:21 AM 1016 Views
Palpatine's master? - 20/12/2015 02:25:45 PM 1010 Views
I mean the novel of that name. - 22/12/2015 09:47:16 PM 1030 Views
Re: I mean the novel of that name. - 22/12/2015 10:05:49 PM 1119 Views
Yeah, I think we're talking about the same one. - 24/12/2015 12:05:57 AM 1020 Views
Journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 19/12/2015 06:07:16 PM 1115 Views
I don't think any of that had to be explained. - 19/12/2015 12:16:07 PM 995 Views
I'm more or less in complete agreement (spoilers) - 19/12/2015 08:22:21 PM 1111 Views
Some thoughts about the Force... - 20/12/2015 06:04:43 AM 1175 Views
Re: Some thoughts about the Force... - 20/12/2015 08:06:40 PM 970 Views
Re: I'm more or less in complete agreement (spoilers) - 20/12/2015 10:07:36 AM 1090 Views
Also, SPOILER thoughts. - 18/12/2015 01:00:32 PM 1248 Views
Re: Also, SPOILER thoughts. - 18/12/2015 01:11:30 PM 1109 Views
You're making me reply to two posts - 18/12/2015 03:29:23 PM 1122 Views
The death (spoilers) - 22/12/2015 10:30:05 PM 1083 Views
Re: You're making me reply to two posts - 29/12/2015 05:24:39 AM 1119 Views
Re: Also, SPOILER thoughts. - 29/12/2015 05:19:54 AM 1074 Views
I have tickets for tonight - 18/12/2015 04:47:17 PM 1065 Views
Arbrams impressed me(spoiler free) - 19/12/2015 05:17:42 AM 1196 Views
'Revenge of the Sith' (3rd prequel) was actually a decent movie - 18/12/2015 10:46:52 PM 1109 Views
They were all good. Internet geeks suck. - 18/12/2015 11:38:36 PM 1056 Views
Re: They were all good. Internet geeks suck. - 19/12/2015 12:19:10 AM 1205 Views
Well - 19/12/2015 05:53:56 AM 1025 Views
Re: They were all good. Internet geeks suck. - 19/12/2015 07:46:06 AM 1215 Views
people forget they were kids movies *NM* - 19/12/2015 01:17:10 AM 708 Views
Yeah, people take the whole 'Star Wars' thing too seriously - 19/12/2015 02:59:29 AM 1112 Views
BTW, Daniel Craig is totally forgiven for Spectre. He was a Stormtrooper (spoilers for role) - 18/12/2015 11:40:44 PM 1003 Views
Yip that's true *NM* - 19/12/2015 07:46:59 AM 684 Views
And Simon Pegg was the alien who ran the trading post Rey always went to *NM* - 20/12/2015 02:30:59 PM 785 Views
I got the impression he was actually her boss or contractor - 28/12/2015 12:48:48 PM 1154 Views
Pretty much... - 29/12/2015 12:08:58 AM 1072 Views
Absolutely, yes *NM* - 29/12/2015 01:54:52 PM 742 Views
Just saw it! Holy shit, shit, shit, was amazing. - 19/12/2015 05:38:44 AM 1071 Views
Loved it (Spoilers) - 19/12/2015 06:16:54 AM 1031 Views
Fantastic characters, great entertainment, no originality, no logic - 29/12/2015 03:33:43 AM 1074 Views
Your Mom has no originality or logic! *NM* - 29/12/2015 11:39:41 AM 733 Views
JJ Abrams should be able to do better than my Mom - 30/12/2015 04:20:54 AM 1002 Views
I gave it a B+ overall but I think the characters are its weak spot - 29/12/2015 05:08:15 PM 917 Views
JJ Abrams' movies are character-driven, Lucas' movies are plot-driven - 30/12/2015 04:38:49 AM 989 Views
Lucas has created some of the most iconics chacters in movie history ? - 31/12/2015 02:29:02 PM 984 Views
So, Rey (Possible Spoilers ahead) - 30/12/2015 10:11:01 AM 1068 Views
Re: So, Rey (Possible Spoilers ahead) - 30/12/2015 07:10:56 PM 1385 Views
Re: So, Rey (Possible Spoilers ahead) - 30/12/2015 09:24:08 PM 1028 Views
Re: So, Rey (Possible Spoilers ahead) - 31/12/2015 04:58:24 PM 985 Views
It was fun, and I look forward to the next ones, but can't say I was that wowed. - 30/12/2015 09:26:10 PM 1023 Views
Why is time for female lead and why does the lef think subtraction is the answer to inequality? - 04/01/2016 01:37:37 PM 851 Views
Because the six other movies had zero female Jedis of any importance? - 04/01/2016 05:58:25 PM 1074 Views
Just another check the box movie, then - 04/01/2016 06:02:41 PM 969 Views
Oh, come on. You're really going to complain just because they had a woman and a black guy? - 04/01/2016 11:48:52 PM 1042 Views
They are talking abou tmakin ght Gunslinger black - 05/01/2016 02:05:36 PM 972 Views
Yeah, Star Wars is just part of the larger trend. It can't be viewed in a vacuum (pun intended). - 05/01/2016 02:38:34 PM 948 Views
That's not really what I said, you'll note. - 05/01/2016 07:48:08 PM 1159 Views
I don't think it was Disney's business acumen. - 06/01/2016 06:59:46 PM 1222 Views
Wow. That's... sad. - 06/01/2016 09:32:37 PM 1083 Views
Re: Wow. That's... sad. - 08/01/2016 03:08:58 AM 1051 Views
I am noit sure how well that 7-12 girl demographic will work in merchandising - 08/01/2016 06:30:47 PM 1046 Views
Your premise is entirely wrong. - 12/01/2016 05:53:26 AM 985 Views
Actually, they do have a major character who is Latino. - 12/01/2016 07:15:31 PM 1025 Views
The culture wars are just about blacks and feminists. - 13/01/2016 02:31:20 AM 1021 Views
All that Paul said - 17/01/2016 05:13:59 PM 1676 Views
LOL - 05/01/2016 06:33:50 PM 975 Views
Funny that people use strwmen arguments to make themsleves feel smart - 08/01/2016 04:22:22 PM 1075 Views
It's not a straw man - 08/01/2016 04:52:03 PM 1029 Views
it was story of a father and son so it makes sense to male leads - 04/01/2016 06:59:33 PM 906 Views
Male leads, sure, but it wasn't just the leads. - 04/01/2016 11:28:12 PM 1034 Views
Was finn as strong as Leia? I would say not even close - 05/01/2016 05:55:51 PM 1008 Views
I don't see how it makes sense to compare their roles, but Finn is certainly plenty strong. - 05/01/2016 07:38:05 PM 1008 Views
Finn reacts and is pretty much drug through the story - 06/01/2016 02:52:58 PM 1061 Views
Re: Finn reacts and is pretty much drug through the story - 06/01/2016 05:50:08 PM 1013 Views
I don't have an issue with a strong female jedi - 07/01/2016 02:49:44 PM 1008 Views
Re: I don't have an issue with a strong female jedi - 07/01/2016 03:26:34 PM 1035 Views
The reall issue it looks like Luke sucked as Jedi master - 07/01/2016 07:14:31 PM 989 Views
Sorry, no. - 06/01/2016 06:56:09 PM 1076 Views
What a load of crap. - 08/01/2016 10:29:35 AM 958 Views
I only partially agree - 08/01/2016 03:27:10 PM 1008 Views
Sorry if science isn't your thing but no what I said is true - 09/01/2016 11:49:15 PM 1126 Views
Re: Was finn as strong as Leia? I would say not even close - 08/01/2016 10:01:16 AM 935 Views
Well said *NM* - 05/01/2016 12:01:25 PM 755 Views
Because it isn't "subtraction"... - 08/01/2016 09:33:24 AM 986 Views
Of course it is - 09/01/2016 10:19:53 PM 964 Views
Okay so about the big bad guy *spoilers* - 05/01/2016 06:27:37 PM 1036 Views
I may be alone on this, but... - 05/01/2016 08:07:26 PM 1053 Views
Re: I may be alone on this, but... - 05/01/2016 08:42:42 PM 962 Views
What speaks against is for me... - 05/01/2016 10:57:44 PM 1377 Views
Re: What speaks against is for me... - 06/01/2016 10:08:35 AM 1121 Views
It's all good stuff, like the first book in a good sci-fi/fantasy trilogy! - 07/01/2016 06:44:45 AM 1070 Views
I think it's pretty obvious... - 17/01/2016 07:43:19 AM 1100 Views

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