The film's biggest asset is the creators' decision to use as many practical effects and real sets as possible. That makes for an atmosphere that comes pretty close to the original trilogy. This universe feels real, lived in, deep and rarely ever fake. If the great effects have one disadvantage, it's that the rare use of CGI does stick out even more so.
The new generation of actors are all outstanding, creating characters we will love to revisit for years, even though some could have used some more screen time. Their chemistry together is fantastic, as well as their interaction with the old heroes. And, man, is it nice to see those again, even if they remind you of your own mortality and age.
The movie's pace is unbelievable, blink twice and 135 minutes are over. That's a compliment for its entertainment value, but towards the end, things feel a tad rushed, too. Thankfully, there will be two more films to add some more depth to a couple of somewhat superficial characters. Considering the rather open ending, the next 18 months can't pass fast enough.
So what's the verdict?
Expectations have been high, even after the somewhat unloved prequel trilogy. Have they been met? Absolutely! Exceeded? Probably not. Is this still the event movie of the year? Of course. Even a somewhat flawed Star Wars film is better than all the rest.
You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.