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Science Fantasy not Scienc Fiction dacole Send a noteboard - 14/12/2014 01:21:49 PM

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In JJ Abrams we trust. Love the look and feel of the movie, much more like the original trilogy and not the cartoon-like, CGI heavy prequel trilogy disaster.

Abrams did the same thing with the Enterprise in his Star Trek films. While the Xwings and Falcon did, of course, take off and land, I don't recall them doing anything in the atmosphere other than moving from ground to space, or vice versa. If nothing else, you'd think the rebellion would have employed them in that capacity against the AT-ATs on Hoth. Certainly torpedoes that can destroy large bits of Death Star machinery should be able to obliterate the Imperial walkers.

Perfect example of why this is Science Fantasy (and why people like David Brin can say Star Wars destroyed Science Fiction and be wrong but worth listening to) I mean the technology was never the focus here - its not like we ever got a real good scientific explanation of how the force worked or say lightsabers - and when we did we wished we didn't.

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New MF'ing Star Wars Trailer! - 29/11/2014 01:14:23 PM 1359 Views
Mr. T!! - 29/11/2014 05:08:26 PM 725 Views
I hoped to see more - 29/11/2014 10:26:40 PM 761 Views
Yahoooo! Short and sweet - 30/11/2014 09:19:55 AM 751 Views
I did not like that lightsaber, though. - 30/11/2014 10:16:01 AM 811 Views
Maybe someone thought, ... - 02/12/2014 03:48:40 PM 1103 Views
Thing is... - 02/12/2014 10:03:32 PM 762 Views
I am curious to see - 03/12/2014 08:37:16 AM 808 Views
Did you not watch the Colbert Report explanation? - 03/12/2014 10:17:03 PM 1251 Views
Huh, that makes perfect sense actually *NM* - 03/12/2014 10:51:40 PM 502 Views
Better Yet - GEORGE LUCAS just released a trailer for E7! - 30/11/2014 08:45:39 PM 1259 Views
Abrams loves him some "space ships maneuvering in the atmosphere" scenes, doesn't he? - 01/12/2014 04:08:40 AM 809 Views
Updated technology? - 01/12/2014 02:01:42 PM 931 Views
Science Fantasy not Scienc Fiction - 14/12/2014 01:21:49 PM 782 Views
Why would X wings fly so close to water??? - 01/12/2014 08:38:16 PM 768 Views
Because awesome? *NM* - 03/12/2014 10:17:36 PM 417 Views
Well...this is the best kind of reason, I suppose! *NM* - 06/12/2014 02:48:06 AM 376 Views
They're coming in from the north, below the radar. - 05/12/2014 02:48:29 AM 1036 Views
i have no trust in just Abrams. all flash no heart. *NM* - 10/12/2014 03:06:20 PM 401 Views
...which is so unlike Star Wars. - 11/12/2014 08:03:49 AM 838 Views
Star Wars had heart - 11/12/2014 11:39:15 PM 797 Views
Re: Star Wars had heart - 14/12/2014 01:19:27 PM 719 Views

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