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I thought the first episode was okay. It seemed overstuffed, trying to have too many references to the comics (God, those scenes with the Pepper family with the OTT plant imagery were a pain. Yes Ivy Pepper is going to grow up to be Poison Ivy, we get it. No need to beat the viewers over the head with it.) The acting was generally decent, though Alfred was a bit gruff for my tastes and the child actors were about as annoying would be expected.
I thought the first episode was okay. It seemed overstuffed, trying to have too many references to the comics (God, those scenes with the Pepper family with the OTT plant imagery were a pain. Yes Ivy Pepper is going to grow up to be Poison Ivy, we get it. No need to beat the viewers over the head with it.) The acting was generally decent, though Alfred was a bit gruff for my tastes and the child actors were about as annoying would be expected.
The second episode is better. The plot was more coherent, and the focus tighter. I liked that the villains were creepy as opposed to menacing, being cheery and "nice" while being straight up evil. I also liked how Jada Pinkett Smitt acts like she's in the 60s Batman show, not this "serious" crime drama everyone else is in.
Reading the responses here makes me think I'll check it out.
But wine was the great assassin of both tradition and propriety...
-Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings
-Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings
Anyone watching Gotham?
30/09/2014 02:44:31 PM
Haven't but am interested.
14/10/2014 03:09:33 AM