Before modification by Roland00 at 17/06/2014 10:21:26 PM
Because otherwise, I don't understand your comment

How is a seven foot tall brute with a shaved head and artistically placed scars, who dresses in ratty fur and armor no other clan knows how to forge, carries a giant battle axe and either spends his scenes glowering silently or cartoonishly pointing out how "I'M A CANNIBAL YOU GUYS ARE'T YOU SCARED RAWRRRR!!!" all while making an adorable attempt to hide his Russian accent disgusting?
Okay, so he wants to boink Ygritte. Nobody's perfect.
Roland, you can totally have Jon Snow. I'm sure he'll be more than willing to "experiment" now that Ygritte has turned him off the female gender for all eternity.
I loathe Jon Snow, he is a winy boring brat. I loathe him.
That said Jon Snow may be turning to the gay side, just look at how much he likes his new steward, who is a male whore, and was called a term meaning a passive partner.
(Quotes from the book below)
The disgusting thing is I want him to bite me due to his dominance and his athleticism. Yet I very much want him to not bite me, for he may not leave my flesh in one piece
I am very attached to my flesh thank you very much, it is allowed to be maimed until I say no, but it must remain my property at all times.