Rick - always two steps forward one steps back.
Man these guys suck at infection control.
Glenn falls ill - I was sure it was Maggie that was on the line but time will tell.
A car gets stuck atop a pile of walkers - given the way those suckers were disintegrating surely gunning it and rocking would have got things moving.
Carol - Justified or what?
Hershel taking the role of Dale more and more only less annoying and self-righteous.
Man that was big ass herd of walkers.
Big questions:
What will Rick do?
Who was the voice on the radio?
IDK that he's going to do anything, aside from try to keep things from blowing up between Carol & Tyrese. Not that it's worth anything, but in the comics, Tyrese and Carol were sleeping together when they were at the prison. His dumping her for Michonne caused Carol to kill herself. I'm wondering if they're going to bring those characters into irreconcilable conflict to service the original vision... I only wonder because this episode had a scene very reminiscent of the comics, where Tyrese got left behind among the walkers but fought his way clear. In the comics, when they were clearing the prison, something similar happened, where Tyrese got locked in a room with a ton of zombies and when they finally opened it to retrieve his body and finish off the zombies, he was sitting there alone on a pile of dead walkers and he was all oh hi, what took you so long?
They seemed to be calling back to that part with his bit in this episode, so maybe they're going to the "Tyrese makes Carol dead" notion too. Of course, before killing herself, she proposed a polygamous relationship with Rick and Lori so obviously they aren't going to follow the comics THAT close...
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!