Egwene was essentially bethrothed to Rand, and lived in a village where people spent basically their entire lives. It's never one event that damns her- these are to indicate a general trend.
In this case, if presented with the choice between her family and the (ostensible) love of her life (remember, she was super jealous if Rand interacted with any other women), and becoming the Wisdom of a different village, she'd choose being the Wisdom, easily.
Still betrothed to Rand-AND she got pissed when she heard Rand even talked to other women (Like... what's her name, Else Grinwall?)
Not only is she still betrothed to Rand, she was JUST hitting on Perrin.
It's not about a specific event, it's about establishing a trend.
In this case, she left three of her childhood friends, who she knew were super-important and in danger, so she could go gain personal power as an Aes Sedai.
Same answer. Doesn't care about Emond's Field (Actually, I totally forget- did she know Two Rivers was being invaded?). Has zero interest in heading back to Tar Valon to continue to be an Aes Sedai. Totally willing to abandon Rand (The Dragon Reborn), to become a dreamwalker.
(Remember, she had no idea he was heading to the Waste when she decided to go).

Still, Rand is her childhood friend, former love, and DRAGON REBORN. Moiraine is basically her mentor/lady crush. As soon as she meets new authority she can get in bed with, she essentially kicks Rand and Moiraine to the curb.
Elaida is pretty terrible, I agree. But I wasn't clear in my wording- Egwene actually declared WAR. It was exactly what the Shadow wanted.
I understand the justification just fine. The point is that she immediately discarded any loyalty she has to her previous group, and marched ahead to gain greater power, again.
Almost none of the events by themselves are damning, but when taken together (and I'm forgetting some, I'm sure) it paints an interesting picture.