Active Users:488 Time:13/03/2025 05:15:41 PM
Egwene is a sociopath, who consistently values power over all else beetnemesis Send a noteboard - 17/07/2013 04:46:19 PM

-Is going to abandon Emond's Field and Rand when she becomes a full Wisdom

-Hits on Perrin when it's clear he's the key to surviving in the wilderness

-Leaves Perrin, hits on Aram when they're given aid by the Traveling People

-Leaves the boys to go become an Aes Sedai

-In Tear, ready to abandon everyone to go become a dreamwalker

-While with the Aiel, is definitely more on the side of the Wise Ones than she is Moiraine, Rand, or Mat

-Becomes Rebel Amyrlin, dedicates herself to destroying Elaida

-Finally becomes "Real" Amyrlin, immediately chastises all other rebels.

She is the worst.

I amuse myself.
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Newsroom Season 2 Episode 1, First thing we do, lets kill all the lawyers - 16/07/2013 02:49:31 AM 839 Views
How was the first season? - 16/07/2013 04:02:07 AM 695 Views
The first season was great - 16/07/2013 04:21:16 AM 656 Views
I've occasionally wondered if you would like it. - 16/07/2013 11:18:00 AM 704 Views
Yeah, that just seems like a simple, transparent way to..... - 16/07/2013 05:09:08 PM 663 Views
Why don't you try it? - 17/07/2013 04:12:43 AM 627 Views
I agree. I still think he should try it. - 17/07/2013 11:02:40 AM 787 Views
it isn't that the "country sucks" as you say - 16/07/2013 08:03:12 PM 776 Views
It would be good if you could occasionally say something nice. - 16/07/2013 10:17:03 PM 631 Views
Boards are interesting like that - 16/07/2013 11:51:20 PM 641 Views
Re: Boards are interesting like that - 17/07/2013 02:03:27 AM 768 Views
Egwene is a sociopath, who consistently values power over all else - 17/07/2013 04:46:19 PM 920 Views
I think you have abandonment issues. - 17/07/2013 05:36:15 PM 700 Views
Re: I think you have abandonment issues. - 17/07/2013 09:26:23 PM 688 Views
Lol, yup, don't care about any of that. - 17/07/2013 10:22:36 PM 631 Views
I am like a knight errant, fighting Egwene where e'er I go - 18/07/2013 06:55:39 PM 699 Views
I know, but sometimes mean is mean. - 17/07/2013 11:01:52 AM 614 Views
I took their statement as going for the jugular - 17/07/2013 01:56:14 AM 711 Views
Any agenda doesn't matter. - 17/07/2013 04:43:30 PM 899 Views

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