Agreed! - Edit 1
Before modification by Praziquantel at 10/06/2013 11:18:51 PM
View original postEven though it was slow moving at times, it got such vital points across for the show and its characters across! And so much foreshadowing: the pies! Arya and her coin! Tyrion vs. Tywin! Varys warning Shae. So well done!
I especially liked the Arya scene, but the Varys scene was kind of weird. We haven't seen those two talk to each other in a while (if ever?) and Varys talked to her like a close friend. A bit out of place, but otherwise good.
View original postI can't believe they actually went there and showed the wolf head on Robb's body. They really love to twist the knives in this show.
Yeah, that was brutal for Arya :/
View original postYet, later on, it was also the episode that gave me the most positive shivers to date, like Davos turning it around or Bran meeting Sam, because for once two separate story lines shortly met and showed that they know exactly how to connect the dots.
Sir Onion Knight is becoming one of my favorite characters in the show

As for the two storylines meeting, I completely agree, and it's a refreshing change from WoT, where it takes like 8 books for characters to connect the dots that the audience already knows about.
View original postThey also knew how to throw the unsullied viewers a few bread crumbs that better days may be coming, like Arya killing a Frey.
View original postI couldn't be more excited for what's to come. Also, maybe even primarily, for the changes and the things they will (have to) speed up compared to the books.
Yeah, it should be awesome!