All those minor things added up to damaging what I was expecting to be a really awesome episode. I mean I still enjoyed it, I look the show more than the books which is surprising, but when you've read the books you pretty much go into episodes like watching a rerun, you notice stuff that you wouldn't normally notice the firs time through but at the same time you're still in 'first impressions', so I think - for me at least - it tends to make me a bit more critical. For instance its hard not to know an episode's name weeks in advance as 'Rains of Castmere' and not go into the episode expecting the song to play and when, and being surprised when you don't notice it, or see 'food sharing' when you've been hearing throughout the books after the event how the Freys really crossed the line on sacred hospitality rights and not notice that and kind of expect someone to comment on it and be a bit surprised they don't.
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod