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Theon imlad Send a noteboard - 14/05/2013 06:19:18 PM

I just don't understand what people's issue is with all the Theon scenes this season. They aren't nearly as graphic as what was seen during Blackwater, or even several other episodes (I'm thinking here of Tyrion shield bashing a guys head in). I pretty sure there was even more blood in torture scenes in other shows (like 24) than you see here.

Personally, I enjoy these scenes, as Iwan and Alfie are doing perfect jobs, and it is well written. My only gripe is that it Theon that is suffering; I'd really enjoy it if it was Joffrey.

BTW, before anyone thinks I am some sort of sadist, I don't like torture (though it is a better method of punishment IMO than say execution), but this is after all just a show, and I'm able to keep in my mind that this shit is all fake (well, except for Alfie Allen's discomfort being tied to that cross for long strethces of time). Same reason I have no problem watching deaths on a show.

Some people online have been seeming very very squeemish of late, all over these scenes. Shit, you can hardly see what Boy was doing to Theon's finger, and that was the most graphic of all the Theon scenes so far this year.

Death to the Regressives of the GOP and the TeaParty. No mercy for Conservatives. Burn them all at the stake for the hateful satanists they are.
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Game of Thrones S3, Ep.7: The baby, the dragon and the bear - 13/05/2013 09:29:44 PM 772 Views
Re: Game of Thrones S3, Ep.7: The baby, the dragon and the bear - 14/05/2013 01:13:34 AM 590 Views
It wasn't a good episode - 14/05/2013 12:19:05 PM 765 Views
Wow. - 14/05/2013 12:40:20 PM 593 Views
Yeah, it's a shocker - 14/05/2013 01:22:53 PM 656 Views
Theon - 14/05/2013 06:19:18 PM 652 Views
Re: Theon - 14/05/2013 07:50:20 PM 552 Views
It has to do with emapthy - 14/05/2013 11:52:29 PM 473 Views
Oddly enough, that is not what I thought you were going to say. - 15/05/2013 07:15:41 PM 449 Views
What did you think I was going to say - 16/05/2013 02:10:35 AM 497 Views
Fun stuff. - 15/05/2013 07:11:44 PM 491 Views

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