Active Users:352 Time:14/03/2025 01:16:22 PM
why did they need a reboot? Every Bond movie ever made money random thoughts Send a noteboard - 17/03/2013 12:02:14 PM

Writing something new that isn't a Bond and calling a reboot really is nothing more than whoring out the franchise to get more people to watch what is really just another action flick. I can understand why Hollywood does it I just can’t understand why the fans suck it up. If you want to make actions flicks with some do character then do but if you want to make Bond movies then damn it make Bond movies with cheesy one liners and make him a womanizer not some love sick puppy.

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After losing interest 3 times in Skyfall,I realize the Bond franchise is a retarded shadow of itself - 10/03/2013 07:06:31 PM 1144 Views
I enjoyed it. - 10/03/2013 08:01:16 PM 753 Views
What exactly is a "popcorn movie"? - 11/03/2013 08:40:32 PM 672 Views
I'm not sure mine is the definitive meaning, but - 15/03/2013 10:42:25 PM 715 Views
I enjoyed it more than any other Bond movie ever, yes. - 10/03/2013 11:19:29 PM 741 Views
Bond movies are only plausible as comedy - 11/03/2013 08:39:10 PM 775 Views
I thought it was alright - 11/03/2013 05:33:43 AM 730 Views
I think I answered that question in my other responses. - 11/03/2013 08:46:50 PM 694 Views
I've seen all of the old ones - 13/03/2013 05:42:30 AM 801 Views
I've recently rewatched a couple of Roger Moore Bonds on TV... - 11/03/2013 12:13:04 PM 786 Views
Yes. It needs to take itself far less seriously. - 11/03/2013 08:44:17 PM 731 Views
Skyfall, itself, I'd put in the top three of Bond movies. - 11/03/2013 01:14:26 PM 961 Views
I shudder to wonder what the other two are - 11/03/2013 08:48:38 PM 753 Views
I haven't been fond of Daniel Craig James Bond. - 11/03/2013 05:57:41 PM 923 Views
Joyless! Yes, that's a good word. - 11/03/2013 06:24:03 PM 745 Views
Neither have I. The charmless, joyless thing is part of it. - 11/03/2013 08:45:21 PM 666 Views
To be fair there is one scene I liked a lot in Casino Royale - 14/03/2013 07:26:19 AM 925 Views
That's why they call it a reboot. And let's face it, the franchise needed it. - 13/03/2013 12:35:11 PM 740 Views
The new Bond movies are anything but realistic. - 13/03/2013 01:51:00 PM 795 Views
why did they need a reboot? Every Bond movie ever made money - 17/03/2013 12:02:14 PM 780 Views
^ This. Exactly this. I agree 100%. *NM* - 17/03/2013 04:48:26 PM 333 Views
Toldja - 16/03/2013 04:59:23 PM 878 Views
I really appreciated that. - 17/03/2013 04:47:10 PM 807 Views

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