Active Users:352 Time:14/03/2025 01:16:17 PM
I've recently rewatched a couple of Roger Moore Bonds on TV... ironclad Send a noteboard - 11/03/2013 12:13:04 PM

During my childhood, it was always a big deal when one of them was on on a Sunday evening. Of course they didn't age so well and some of their dialogs and effects are risible, but their tongue-in-cheek humor and action is still fun to watch, despite of all the cheesiness.
Of course Skyfall is superior in almost every aspect of film-making, but like I said in the film's discussion thread when it came out: I'm missing the fun part a little bit. Ever since the Bourne movies every action film seems to need shaky cams, super fast editing, a brooding hero and a pessimistic atmosphere.
For me, the last two Mission Impossible films were actually the best Bond films for ages. I still liked Skyfall just fine, so your judgement may be a bit harsh, but maybe it's time for the franchise to take itself a little less serious again.


You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.
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After losing interest 3 times in Skyfall,I realize the Bond franchise is a retarded shadow of itself - 10/03/2013 07:06:31 PM 1144 Views
I enjoyed it. - 10/03/2013 08:01:16 PM 752 Views
What exactly is a "popcorn movie"? - 11/03/2013 08:40:32 PM 672 Views
I'm not sure mine is the definitive meaning, but - 15/03/2013 10:42:25 PM 714 Views
I enjoyed it more than any other Bond movie ever, yes. - 10/03/2013 11:19:29 PM 741 Views
Bond movies are only plausible as comedy - 11/03/2013 08:39:10 PM 775 Views
I thought it was alright - 11/03/2013 05:33:43 AM 730 Views
I think I answered that question in my other responses. - 11/03/2013 08:46:50 PM 694 Views
I've seen all of the old ones - 13/03/2013 05:42:30 AM 801 Views
I've recently rewatched a couple of Roger Moore Bonds on TV... - 11/03/2013 12:13:04 PM 786 Views
Yes. It needs to take itself far less seriously. - 11/03/2013 08:44:17 PM 730 Views
Skyfall, itself, I'd put in the top three of Bond movies. - 11/03/2013 01:14:26 PM 961 Views
I shudder to wonder what the other two are - 11/03/2013 08:48:38 PM 753 Views
I haven't been fond of Daniel Craig James Bond. - 11/03/2013 05:57:41 PM 923 Views
Joyless! Yes, that's a good word. - 11/03/2013 06:24:03 PM 745 Views
Neither have I. The charmless, joyless thing is part of it. - 11/03/2013 08:45:21 PM 666 Views
To be fair there is one scene I liked a lot in Casino Royale - 14/03/2013 07:26:19 AM 925 Views
That's why they call it a reboot. And let's face it, the franchise needed it. - 13/03/2013 12:35:11 PM 740 Views
The new Bond movies are anything but realistic. - 13/03/2013 01:51:00 PM 795 Views
why did they need a reboot? Every Bond movie ever made money - 17/03/2013 12:02:14 PM 779 Views
^ This. Exactly this. I agree 100%. *NM* - 17/03/2013 04:48:26 PM 333 Views
Toldja - 16/03/2013 04:59:23 PM 878 Views
I really appreciated that. - 17/03/2013 04:47:10 PM 807 Views

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