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The EE of TWO TOWERS is essential, FELLOWSHIP is optional and KING's just kills the movie stone dead Werthead Send a noteboard - 14/12/2012 12:46:09 AM
FELLOWSHIP doesn't really need the new scenes, aside from one that sets up THE TWO TOWERS a bit better. They're nice and sometimes fun, but the only one that I felt was damaging to the pace was the White Council extended scenes. Even that wasn't too bad, since it did make Boromir's contribution to the scene more logical (there's something off about the cinematic version's scene of Boromir saying, "It is a gift!" without the EE's previous scene of Gandalf arguing with him).

Overall, I think FotR's extended edition doesn't work too badly and the pacing works if you take advantage of the disc swap to have a break.

THE TWO TOWERS is saved by its extended cut. The cinematic version is a near-disaster in terms of structure and pacing. The movie is lopsided, with Merry and Pippin vanishing for large stretches of time and Sam and Frodo doing the same. The EE gives both sets of characters some vital scenes back makes the story feel more balanced, as well as establishing Faramir's character with that superb flashback scene with Boromir and Denethor (which the cinematic version badly misses, as it leaves Faramir almost bereft of any kind of characterisation or character arc). Now the whole thing feels better and makes more sense. Bizarrely, despite being 40 minutes longer, it feels shorter than the cinematic version.

THE RETURN OF THE KING, on the other hand, is almost destroyed by the extended cut. On the commentary for FELLOWSHIP Jackson is saying that there's still stuff he left out because it disrupted the pace or didn't work tonally. On the KING commentary he's now saying how he doesn't like scenes but is just throwing them in because the fans might want to see them. The terrible 'pirate ship where half the production crew cameo' scene is a clear example of this and should have never made it into the film (actually, it should have been burned). Gandalf confronting the Witch-King sounds great, but in fact sucks and doesn't make any sense (and is less epic than the comparable scene in the novel). Aside from clearing up the geography of the Steward's tomb and the rest of Minas Tirith, and the nice scene with Frodo, Sam and the statue's head, there is nothing to recommend the EE of RETURN OF THE KING at all. And at over four hours, it makes the film just way too long.
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So I was watching the extended cut of Fellowship of the Ring... - 07/12/2012 09:22:46 AM 999 Views
No, I liked them - 07/12/2012 05:59:14 PM 754 Views
I can understand that reasoning. - 09/12/2012 08:30:09 PM 667 Views
Re: I can understand that reasoning. - 09/12/2012 11:09:50 PM 753 Views
I feel they got the worst of both worlds in The Two Towers though. - 10/12/2012 04:27:04 AM 841 Views
I will be watching them this weekend. - 07/12/2012 07:04:33 PM 611 Views
Not on Fellowship... - 07/12/2012 08:14:16 PM 754 Views
I think the Two towers extended edition is an improvement. - 09/12/2012 06:31:18 PM 656 Views
Was that the one where Gimli lost a drinking contest to Legolas? *NM* - 09/12/2012 06:56:49 PM 475 Views
Yes. - 10/12/2012 02:58:10 PM 635 Views
That's probably fairly accurate to the setting. - 10/12/2012 06:47:03 PM 858 Views
No. That was in RETURN OF THE KING. - 14/12/2012 12:36:08 AM 665 Views
The Extended Editions are far superior to the Theatrical Releases. *NM* - 11/12/2012 03:08:09 PM 315 Views
The EE of TWO TOWERS is essential, FELLOWSHIP is optional and KING's just kills the movie stone dead - 14/12/2012 12:46:09 AM 707 Views

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