Active Users:419 Time:14/03/2025 02:11:18 PM
I can understand that reasoning. A Deathwatch Guard Send a noteboard - 09/12/2012 08:30:09 PM
And that seems like something that I, as a fan of the LotR books, would enjoy. Except I didn't. While watching, none of those scenes made me think, "Wow, this is nice!" or "I'm so glad they included this!" or anything else of the sort. It all just felt like excess time that simply had to be persevered through until I could get to the good bits again. It must be just me though, lol.
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So I was watching the extended cut of Fellowship of the Ring... - 07/12/2012 09:22:46 AM 999 Views
No, I liked them - 07/12/2012 05:59:14 PM 755 Views
I can understand that reasoning. - 09/12/2012 08:30:09 PM 668 Views
Re: I can understand that reasoning. - 09/12/2012 11:09:50 PM 753 Views
I feel they got the worst of both worlds in The Two Towers though. - 10/12/2012 04:27:04 AM 841 Views
I will be watching them this weekend. - 07/12/2012 07:04:33 PM 611 Views
Not on Fellowship... - 07/12/2012 08:14:16 PM 754 Views
I think the Two towers extended edition is an improvement. - 09/12/2012 06:31:18 PM 656 Views
Was that the one where Gimli lost a drinking contest to Legolas? *NM* - 09/12/2012 06:56:49 PM 475 Views
Yes. - 10/12/2012 02:58:10 PM 636 Views
That's probably fairly accurate to the setting. - 10/12/2012 06:47:03 PM 858 Views
No. That was in RETURN OF THE KING. - 14/12/2012 12:36:08 AM 665 Views
The Extended Editions are far superior to the Theatrical Releases. *NM* - 11/12/2012 03:08:09 PM 315 Views

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