Re: Really, they're overbooked with great characters; Margaret should be dumped
Crink Send a noteboard - 07/12/2012 12:59:14 AM
If they really need to devote time to a female character to explore feminist issues, what's wrong with Esther Randolph, who's doing something much more impressive and significant, and more important to women's causes. She's competent, has a genuine wit, doesn't require plot-induced stupidity to impress people with political arguments, she's shown no signs of being a petty bitch, and she's paving the way for her gender by doing something useful, rather than pointless biology classes (which the women who inspired the classes later reveals she was not remotely lacking in information). Unlike Margaret, who gives away her husband's money to get praise and social access, Randolph is upholding the law and investigating or prosecuting criminals, and is probably the most upright and uncorrupt lawman on the show. Such people always make for more interesting adversaries than those with shortcomings and mental issues, like Nelson Van Alden. Plus, she had more chemistry in her scenes with Nucky than Margaret ever did, even if not romantic.
Hahaha, strong feelings on Margaret then. I think Esther could have a bigger role next season. I read an interview with Terence Winter that said it takes place about a year later in 1924, when Coolidge becomes president and that corruption in the government will be looked at. I guess Harry Dougherty (Shooter McGavin) is feeling the pressure, and thats kind of her area of the show
George Pelancanos & Dennis Lehane may be writing for "Boardwalk Empire" next year.
03/12/2012 11:11:13 PM
It'll be interesting to see how they handle next season though *spoilers*
06/12/2012 06:07:05 AM
Really, they're overbooked with great characters; Margaret should be dumped
07/12/2012 12:36:57 AM
Re: Really, they're overbooked with great characters; Margaret should be dumped
07/12/2012 12:59:14 AM