I always wondered why they went on their attack run so far away from the target? I mean, they go into that canyon where Vader and his cronies have 10 minutes to get behind them and pick them off one by one.
Gold Five: Gold Five to Red leader, lost Tiree, lost Dutch.
Red Leader: I copy, Gold Leader.
Gold Five: It came from... behind!
If they started the canyon run a little closer maybe Gold Leader, in that cool spaceship that we all wanted as a kid, doesn't have to die.
That would involve picking a spot on a very cluttered surface from rather far out and diving in. Flying along the surface of the Death Star, with all those towers seems kind of counter-indicated, when you only have the trench defenses to worry about in the trench. And Vadar & co were destroying them outside too. Only about 6-7 guys died in the trench, and when added to the 3 who escaped from the whole battle, you have to assume that the majority of the rebel fighters bought it on the outside. Look at it this way - all known surviors were guys who went INTO the trench! The trench was the safest place to be! Luke & Wedge were in there, and since that third survivor was a Y-wing (numerous video games confirm it is a surface-attack fighter), it would have been in the trench, too. Maybe most of the guys in the trench died, but EVERYONE who stayed out of it did too.Gold Five: Gold Five to Red leader, lost Tiree, lost Dutch.
Red Leader: I copy, Gold Leader.
Gold Five: It came from... behind!
If they started the canyon run a little closer maybe Gold Leader, in that cool spaceship that we all wanted as a kid, doesn't have to die.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
Top 10 unanswered Questions in Geeky Movies
29/09/2009 05:39:22 PM
Another one with the Death Star attack
29/09/2009 06:53:56 PM
Re: Another one with the Death Star attack
29/09/2009 08:00:23 PM
Re: Another one with the Death Star attack
30/09/2009 02:40:26 PM
Unless he stayed far enough away. We never see where the MF is in relation to the Skywalkers *NM*
30/09/2009 02:45:35 PM
Some of these are kind of lame.
29/09/2009 07:47:01 PM