Active Users:738 Time:07/03/2025 01:36:42 AM
The slow pace is because they were so proud of J G-L's makeup, the camera lingered on him a lot *NM* Cannoli Send a noteboard - 01/10/2012 11:51:04 PM
<img src="" class="left" height="300" />
Remember how Sci-Fi-films from the 80s had rather optimistic ideas about the tech level of the early 2000s? Now that we still do not have flying cars, filmmakers are ready to lessen their expectations of what our world will look like a few decades from now. Of course, in this action thriller, mostly set in 2044, time travel is back on the menu, but only used by gangsters to get rid of their victims. Sending them back in time to appear in front of a shot gun leaves no traces, after all. The rest of this Sci-Fi scenario is wonderfully subtle and realistic, if you will. It's fun to spot the advances in technology in the backgrounds and devices that actually make sense.

Without spoiling anything about the plot, things go awry for one of the killers, waiting for his next victim to appear. Here Joseph Gordon-Levitt (after Inception and Dark Knight Rises) makes another strong case for being among the most talented actors of his generation by very convincingly impersonating one of the most well known stars of the last 25 years. The rest of the cast is just as excellent, with Emily Blunt and Jeff Daniels being as wonderful as always and Bruce Willis delivering one of his strongest performances of recent years.

The overall very entertaining film does get a bit slow in the middle part, could have used some editing there, and is far from action packed in the first place, but keeps you on the edge of your seat with its characters and interesting questions about moral and time travel with all the mess it entails. The script handles that really well and is backed up by great cinematography, with several very unique and impressive shots. The result of the really exciting showdown will open up interpretation discussions, and what more could you ask of a movie.

One can only hope that such a violent, intelligent, fresh and unusual Sci-Fi film finds an audience instead of sending the message that only Transformers sequels can do well at the box office.

8 out of 10 fertilizing robots.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Looper - 27/09/2012 09:39:26 AM 1342 Views
Re: Looper - 27/09/2012 03:12:27 PM 859 Views
Of course! Here's the premise: - 27/09/2012 04:06:32 PM 826 Views
Well, all you people need to stop going to see Transformers, then. - 27/09/2012 03:14:11 PM 974 Views
This was worth the watch, I was surprised by how funny this movie is - 30/09/2012 02:12:17 PM 824 Views
The slow pace is because they were so proud of J G-L's makeup, the camera lingered on him a lot *NM* - 01/10/2012 11:51:04 PM 416 Views
saw it last night and i really really enjoyed it - 04/10/2012 11:27:43 AM 1212 Views
Watched it yesterday. - 15/10/2012 06:08:53 PM 764 Views

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