Active Users:415 Time:14/03/2025 02:12:34 PM
Maybe an answer? Fanatic-Templar Send a noteboard - 01/10/2012 05:22:11 AM
Basically, how wide is the time period the Doctor couldn't access?

The afterword was written after Amy and Rory had lived a long time, so it is possible that by then, they were safely outside of paradox range.
The first rule of being a ninja is "do no harm". Unless you intend to do harm, then do lots of harm.
~Master Splinter

Victorious in Bergioyn's legendary 'Reverse Mafia'. *MySmiley*
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Doctor Who Fall Finale Question: SPOILERS - 01/10/2012 03:04:46 AM 876 Views
Maybe an answer? - 01/10/2012 05:22:11 AM 749 Views
Perhaps her vortex manipulator? - 01/10/2012 06:49:56 AM 682 Views
To kind of hijack the thread so I don't have to make a new topic, I have my own question.... - 01/10/2012 01:19:58 PM 664 Views
Re: To kind of hijack the thread so I don't have to make a new topic, I have my own question.... - 01/10/2012 07:12:15 PM 686 Views
Re: To kind of hijack the thread so I don't have to make a new topic, I have my own question.... - 01/10/2012 07:59:54 PM 744 Views
I felt the same way. - 02/10/2012 12:17:57 AM 849 Views
Re: I felt the same way. - 02/10/2012 02:25:13 AM 699 Views
The review had a great quote on the Doctor & River - 02/10/2012 03:11:48 AM 906 Views
Re: To kind of hijack the thread so I don't have to make a new topic, I have my own question.... - 01/10/2012 09:06:44 PM 828 Views
At least they weren't shown moving this time. - 02/10/2012 12:23:06 AM 707 Views

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