I liked the new characters, the story had plenty of buildup, suspense, twists, etc. All of that was great. But then there was Batman. I mean, Dark Knight "rises?" Please. This was, "Dark Knight tries to be relevant one last time before fading into meaningless obscurity, and doesn't manage it."
You pretty much missed the point of the trilogy. He created a legend to inspire people, either to fear the consequences of their actions or to stand up. The Dark Knight is what rises, not Bruce Wayne/Batman. The man has stepped away from the role and another one is coming to take his place. He didn't come back to be relevant one last time. That implies that he wants to be Batman or that he wants to be needed. His whole point was trying to get to the point where he was not needed. He wanted to believe that Gotham didn't need him anymore but events forced his hand.
I mean really, what did he do? He did some detective work, then got beat up and thrown in a pit. He escaped, came back and played errand-boy for the resistance,
He was also the inspiration and spirit of the resistance. The whole contention between him and his enemies throughout the trilogy was whether or not Gotham and its citizens deserved to survive or whether there was any hope for this pit of iniquity and the people who either made it that bad, or allowed it to sink that low without saving it. The fact that there was a resistance at all is testament to Batman's victory.
If you can't see the intended parallel between his imprisonment recovery & escape and the ordeal Gotham suffers, there is no point in even discussing this movie with you.
beat up on Bane a little bit before being put totally out of commission by a small knife, chased a truck in a helicopter and then flew a helicopter out over the bay.
You can take any action and reduce it to its basic components and strip it of all meaning. That does not mean it has no meaning. Why does anyone call George Washington "Father of his country"? All he did was tell a bunch of guys where to walk, wear a fancy outfit, make some speeches and do some paperwork. Not very much in the way of accomplishments, when you think about it. Oh, and what was the point of faking the death of his Bruce Wayne identity? Especially since he just went and hung out in a very public cafe. We're supposed to believe he's just going to fade into the crowd and no one's going to recognize a man of his wealth and notoriety, and MAYBE complain about the falsified death?
The point was that he was done with it. By this point, Bruce Wayne was as much a disguise as Batman. Bruce Wayne's public persona was to prevent anyone from discovering Batman's identity, and since Batman was officially dead, he didn't need Bruce Wayne any more and could now go do what he wanted with his life. He won, he accomplished what he set out to do, so there was no more need to stay in Gotham with all that baggage. Anyway, I digress. Back to the Batman identity, I guess I just felt like this was the first movie of the trilogy to make Batman just another guy in a cape, and I found that very disappointing. Say what you will about realism, but Batman is supposed to be awesome, not a merely human also-ran.
If you can't see what he did that was so awesome, I pity you. Any fool can beat up a succession of increasingly tough thugs in costumes. That's not a story, that's a video game. Batman changed the paradigm for his city, and proved the value of hope and redemption. He overcame impossible obstacles repeatedly and made created a legend that changed, if not the world, then the corner of it he was trying to protect. Batman won the most decisive victory of any comic book movie ever.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
Dark Knight Rises anyone?
21/07/2012 12:22:24 AM
I really liked it.
21/07/2012 12:42:10 AM
Any three month olds in the theater???
21/07/2012 06:29:39 AM
??? *NM*
22/07/2012 01:31:31 AM
There was a 3mo old and a 6yr old baby/kid at the midnight screening in Aurora... *NM*
22/07/2012 07:42:30 PM
I was mocking the idiots that took their little kids to the movie. *NM*
24/07/2012 02:21:02 AM
bet you also really enjoyed (Spoiler Warning)
21/07/2012 05:46:58 PM
They used weapons and violence
21/07/2012 09:20:17 PM
Eh. The "political message" was a sham, a smokescreen. There wasn't one.
01/08/2012 02:46:50 PM
Cillian Murphy is Irish
21/07/2012 11:27:38 PM
I was just thinking of 28 Days Later and assuming his accent was legit.
22/07/2012 01:31:03 AM
It had a few issues, but overall I thought it was great. *spoilers*
22/07/2012 06:00:57 PM
I too thought it was great. - a SPOILERish reply ...
23/07/2012 07:37:26 AM
ESPECIALLY since the theme of the first two movies is "Gotham PD is corrupt"
01/08/2012 02:51:03 PM
They were charging in to ARREST the thugs, not to wipe them out. That's the point of cops
03/08/2012 03:38:13 PM
I liked every part of that movie that didn't involve Batman. (spoilers)
23/07/2012 04:32:32 PM
I wonder what you could possibly have liked.
23/07/2012 05:49:12 PM
...you do understand that my reply was not a personal attack on your opinion, right?
23/07/2012 08:33:30 PM

Re: ...you do understand that my reply was not a personal attack on your opinion, right?
28/07/2012 04:03:51 PM

Who was Catwoman's friend?
25/07/2012 01:06:23 PM
I liked it, but have nitpicks
01/08/2012 03:33:11 PM
Re: I liked it, but have nitpicks
01/08/2012 06:46:14 PM
Re: I liked it, but have nitpicks
02/08/2012 04:03:52 AM
That probably went against his philosophy.
02/08/2012 04:23:28 AM
Well, his goal is despair. It'd be even more effective if there was a guard at the top.
04/08/2012 03:12:45 AM