Active Users:478 Time:11/03/2025 04:25:20 AM
I too thought it was great. - a SPOILERish reply ... Bookwyrm Send a noteboard - 23/07/2012 07:37:26 AM
I think the the reason why that knife stab left Batman enervated was not just the physical injury itself, but because of the emotional impact behind it. Remember that Miranda Tate (aka Talia al Ghul) seduced Bruce Wayne in every way; emotionally, physically, and financially. Even in the comic books, Talia and Bruce shared a deep love for each other, in spite of their opposing ideals.

Honestly, I felt a bit disappointed with Miranda/Talia's fate. I wish they'd have left her death open-ended, and possibly even pregnant (with Damian Wayne, as in the comics). To have any form al Ghul alive to threaten Batman again in the future would've been great.

I LOVED the movie's reference to the Lazarus Pit with the hellish prison that birthed Bane and Talia. How Ra's al Ghul's "legacy" rose from the Pit to continue his work without resorting to the "back from the dead gimmick" was a nice touch.

P.S. I thought Hathaway's Selina Kyle (and Catwoman) was respectable. I enjoyed her character thoroughly. I loved how unapologetic she was about betraying Batman to Bane. A part of me expected her to have a pet kitty, was kinda sad she didn't.
BOHICA - Go ahead, ask me what it means.
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Dark Knight Rises anyone? - 21/07/2012 12:22:24 AM 2651 Views
I really liked it. - 21/07/2012 12:42:10 AM 934 Views
Re: I really liked it. - 25/07/2012 12:40:30 PM 1025 Views
Edit: replied to wrong place. *NM* - 25/07/2012 12:55:08 PM 499 Views
Re: I really liked it. - 26/07/2012 09:03:43 PM 1028 Views
Any three month olds in the theater??? - 21/07/2012 06:29:39 AM 930 Views
??? *NM* - 22/07/2012 01:31:31 AM 549 Views
I was mocking the idiots that took their little kids to the movie. *NM* - 24/07/2012 02:21:02 AM 511 Views
RACHEL!!!!! ... oh wait *NM* - 21/07/2012 03:13:14 PM 548 Views
Didn't really like it. *NM* - 21/07/2012 03:32:33 PM 758 Views
bet you also really enjoyed (Spoiler Warning) - 21/07/2012 05:46:58 PM 1089 Views
They used weapons and violence - 21/07/2012 09:20:17 PM 919 Views
you miss the point - 22/07/2012 09:56:19 PM 1105 Views
I had the feeling ... - 22/07/2012 11:01:31 PM 954 Views
That wasn't the point. - 24/07/2012 01:01:42 AM 971 Views
Come on. - 24/07/2012 12:50:53 AM 892 Views
Suck it up, whiny-boy. - 22/07/2012 01:15:47 AM 959 Views
Eh. The "political message" was a sham, a smokescreen. There wasn't one. - 01/08/2012 02:46:50 PM 1169 Views
Cillian Murphy is Irish - 21/07/2012 11:27:38 PM 970 Views
Re: Cillian Murphy is Irish - 24/07/2012 01:04:31 AM 915 Views
It had a few issues, but overall I thought it was great. *spoilers* - 22/07/2012 06:00:57 PM 938 Views
I too thought it was great. - a SPOILERish reply ... - 23/07/2012 07:37:26 AM 852 Views
The Pit is not really a - 23/07/2012 04:07:52 PM 1033 Views
Can't it be both? - 23/07/2012 07:47:09 PM 955 Views
I liked it a lot. - 24/07/2012 01:18:05 AM 876 Views
Who was Catwoman's friend? - 25/07/2012 01:06:23 PM 841 Views
"Jen" according to the cast list. - 25/07/2012 01:25:50 PM 908 Views
I had a check over at wikipedia - 25/07/2012 01:30:48 PM 861 Views
I thought it was great despite of a few flaws - 25/07/2012 01:25:13 PM 927 Views
It was Satisfactory. - 30/07/2012 01:10:38 PM 912 Views
Re: Daylight fighting - 30/07/2012 05:40:29 PM 925 Views
I liked it, but have nitpicks - 01/08/2012 03:33:11 PM 1105 Views
Re: I liked it, but have nitpicks - 01/08/2012 06:46:14 PM 1042 Views
Re: I liked it, but have nitpicks - 02/08/2012 04:03:52 AM 780 Views
That probably went against his philosophy. - 02/08/2012 04:23:28 AM 924 Views
Well, his goal is despair. It'd be even more effective if there was a guard at the top. - 04/08/2012 03:12:45 AM 871 Views
That's not the theme of it, though. - 04/08/2012 04:02:20 AM 837 Views
Also, guys with guns have SO MUCH success against Batman, right? - 03/08/2012 03:26:55 PM 911 Views
Re: I liked it, but have nitpicks - 03/08/2012 03:33:59 PM 882 Views
They might have, but there was no mention of it at all. - 04/08/2012 03:16:04 AM 791 Views

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