It had a few issues, but overall I thought it was great. *spoilers*
Nate Send a noteboard - 22/07/2012 06:00:57 PM
I think it tried to squeeze too many big things into a movie that, even at nearly three hours, didn't have enough time to give them all the attention they deserved. But what was there I mostly loved, and the ending left me satisfied.
One of the things I didn't like was how Batman just had all the fight go out of him the second Miranda stabbed him. Yeah, I'm sure a knife in the ribs hurts quite a lot, but he's Batman, he's come all this way, and he's saving his city. He would have fought her to get the detonator away and at least delay her from pressing it, and also to stop her from reconnecting Bane's faceplate, since he went to all that trouble to disable him. But one knife stab had to completely stop Batman so that the ending sequence could be set up.
I also kind of wish that the people of Gotham had been involved in the fight against Bane and his cronies at the end, rather than only the police. Then it would have been the whole city of Gotham rising up. If there had been more of an underground resistance that didn't just involve police officers and CEOs, Batman lighting the signal on the bridge would have had more resonance. But that's something that would have taken even more time to set up and show, and the movie was already pretty long (though it didn't feel long, and I never felt my attention waver).
Overall, a worthy end to the trilogy. It's sad that we don't see more closed complete story arcs in the superhero world. Every other franchise tries to just keep the stories going forever, but somehow they never seem to last beyond three or four movies anyway before they screw themselves over and people lose interest. Why not tell a complete story arc, with a beginning, middle, and end, across three movies? That would be much more satisfying than "the continuing adventures of" style that most franchises go with.
I'm also sad that DC is very likely going to reboot Batman to a more comics-oriented version very soon so they can use him for a Justice League movie. But at least we'll always have Nolan's trilogy, and at least we'll always have The Dark Knight, which is about as great as comic book movies come.
One of the things I didn't like was how Batman just had all the fight go out of him the second Miranda stabbed him. Yeah, I'm sure a knife in the ribs hurts quite a lot, but he's Batman, he's come all this way, and he's saving his city. He would have fought her to get the detonator away and at least delay her from pressing it, and also to stop her from reconnecting Bane's faceplate, since he went to all that trouble to disable him. But one knife stab had to completely stop Batman so that the ending sequence could be set up.
I also kind of wish that the people of Gotham had been involved in the fight against Bane and his cronies at the end, rather than only the police. Then it would have been the whole city of Gotham rising up. If there had been more of an underground resistance that didn't just involve police officers and CEOs, Batman lighting the signal on the bridge would have had more resonance. But that's something that would have taken even more time to set up and show, and the movie was already pretty long (though it didn't feel long, and I never felt my attention waver).
Overall, a worthy end to the trilogy. It's sad that we don't see more closed complete story arcs in the superhero world. Every other franchise tries to just keep the stories going forever, but somehow they never seem to last beyond three or four movies anyway before they screw themselves over and people lose interest. Why not tell a complete story arc, with a beginning, middle, and end, across three movies? That would be much more satisfying than "the continuing adventures of" style that most franchises go with.
I'm also sad that DC is very likely going to reboot Batman to a more comics-oriented version very soon so they can use him for a Justice League movie. But at least we'll always have Nolan's trilogy, and at least we'll always have The Dark Knight, which is about as great as comic book movies come.
Warder to starry_nite
Chapterfish — Nate's Writing Blog
Chapterfish — Nate's Writing Blog
Dark Knight Rises anyone?
21/07/2012 12:22:24 AM
I really liked it.
21/07/2012 12:42:10 AM
Any three month olds in the theater???
21/07/2012 06:29:39 AM
??? *NM*
22/07/2012 01:31:31 AM
There was a 3mo old and a 6yr old baby/kid at the midnight screening in Aurora... *NM*
22/07/2012 07:42:30 PM
I was mocking the idiots that took their little kids to the movie. *NM*
24/07/2012 02:21:02 AM
bet you also really enjoyed (Spoiler Warning)
21/07/2012 05:46:58 PM
They used weapons and violence
21/07/2012 09:20:17 PM
Eh. The "political message" was a sham, a smokescreen. There wasn't one.
01/08/2012 02:46:50 PM
Cillian Murphy is Irish
21/07/2012 11:27:38 PM
I was just thinking of 28 Days Later and assuming his accent was legit.
22/07/2012 01:31:03 AM
It had a few issues, but overall I thought it was great. *spoilers*
22/07/2012 06:00:57 PM
I too thought it was great. - a SPOILERish reply ...
23/07/2012 07:37:26 AM
ESPECIALLY since the theme of the first two movies is "Gotham PD is corrupt"
01/08/2012 02:51:03 PM
They were charging in to ARREST the thugs, not to wipe them out. That's the point of cops
03/08/2012 03:38:13 PM
I liked every part of that movie that didn't involve Batman. (spoilers)
23/07/2012 04:32:32 PM
I wonder what you could possibly have liked.
23/07/2012 05:49:12 PM
- 922 Views do understand that my reply was not a personal attack on your opinion, right?
23/07/2012 08:33:30 PM
Re: do understand that my reply was not a personal attack on your opinion, right?
28/07/2012 04:03:51 PM
Who was Catwoman's friend?
25/07/2012 01:06:23 PM
I liked it, but have nitpicks
01/08/2012 03:33:11 PM
Re: I liked it, but have nitpicks
01/08/2012 06:46:14 PM
Re: I liked it, but have nitpicks
02/08/2012 04:03:52 AM
That probably went against his philosophy.
02/08/2012 04:23:28 AM
Well, his goal is despair. It'd be even more effective if there was a guard at the top.
04/08/2012 03:12:45 AM