Jack the Giant-Killer
What it's about: Bryan Fuller's long-delayed film about a boy (Nicholas Hoult) who unwittingly opens a portal and unleashes a race of giants, who want to reclaim the Earth. Loosely an adaptation of the fairy tale.
Status: It was supposed to come out this summer, but was delayed until Spring 2013.
Prognosis: A movie being delayed — especially from the summer to the spring — is never a terribly good sign.
Is this not a remake of the 1962 film by the same name?
P.S. The "NSSP" is implied.
Of course, [Quixote] carried it a bit too far. He thought that every windmill was a giant. That's insane. But, thinking that they might be...
--Justin Playfair, They Might Be Giants
P.S. The "NSSP" is implied.
Of course, [Quixote] carried it a bit too far. He thought that every windmill was a giant. That's insane. But, thinking that they might be...
--Justin Playfair, They Might Be Giants
Upcoming Science Fiction and Fantasy Movies That Aren’t Remakes, Sequels or Prequels
27/06/2012 08:27:58 PM
Wow, that's a lot more than I thought there would be
27/06/2012 09:48:46 PM
"Ang Lee has almost never let us down before." ... HULK is a big almost.
27/06/2012 11:39:02 PM
I think at least one of those is a remake.
28/06/2012 02:01:05 PM