Active Users:1243 Time:18/01/2025 09:38:12 AM
Hey, the chain! Did they mention it at all this year? I thought I recall someone asking me about it Cannoli Send a noteboard - 31/05/2012 05:58:16 AM
For example, originally they had no extra money so outlined the episode as a near-two-hander between Sansa and Cersei with people rushing in with battle reports. They realised this would be awful, so negotiated more money with HBO. GRRM then wrote a version of the episode with the effects toned right down, but I believe with several extra elements (the chain included, IIRC) retained.
I might be tricking myself, but I thought someone I know who watches the show (I have yet to physically encounter anyone who has read the books) was asking me if that was going to be important...

The producers then rewrote THAT version with even the watered-down effects sequences reduced to not very much at all, a bit more than their original outline, but not much. Then they got the more money they had asked for and then (at the last minute) they got Neil Marshall to direct. Marshall, who is a master of taking tiny amounts of money and making it go a long, long way, was able to get more battle scenes out of the budget then they had planned for, so they then had to rewrite the episode again (on the eve of filming) to accomodate that.
It does make one wonder why they bothered making the attempt at this show in the first place, given the scope of the work and the limitations they are running into at such a relatively low-key juncture. Has there been anything of the direwolves since Oxcross? Is that why they had the dragons kidnapped, to avoid using the FX for a couple of episodes?
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Game of Thrones - Season 2, Episode 9 - The Battle of Blackwater! (SPOILERS) - 28/05/2012 01:36:41 AM 1353 Views
Awesome episode. *SPOILER* - 28/05/2012 05:24:03 AM 1004 Views
What was the best line of the episode? - 28/05/2012 03:22:47 PM 911 Views
Re: What was the best line of the episode? - 28/05/2012 03:33:01 PM 1018 Views
Re: What was the best line of the episode? - 28/05/2012 09:45:37 PM 970 Views
That was Peter Dinklage's improvisation. - 29/05/2012 10:47:19 PM 862 Views
Re: That was Peter Dinklage's improvisation. - 30/05/2012 09:56:59 AM 863 Views
Re: What was the best line of the episode? - 29/05/2012 05:20:54 PM 855 Views
Tyrion again. - 29/05/2012 05:28:49 PM 810 Views
Is Martin now officially a whore? - 28/05/2012 08:53:37 AM 1100 Views
The final version of the episode was apparently significantly rewritten by the producers. - 28/05/2012 12:10:58 PM 921 Views
Hey, the chain! Did they mention it at all this year? I thought I recall someone asking me about it - 31/05/2012 05:58:16 AM 1078 Views
No, the chain was never going to be in it (ADWD spoilers) - 01/06/2012 12:36:04 AM 3603 Views
Really well done, maybe even the best this season - 28/05/2012 01:56:38 PM 941 Views
Re: Really well done, maybe even the best this season - 28/05/2012 04:18:39 PM 912 Views
Bronn in the books. - 28/05/2012 04:53:10 PM 938 Views
They didn't need the chain with this version of things. - 28/05/2012 06:01:08 PM 984 Views
This is a good example of a common sense TV revision..... - 29/05/2012 03:32:25 AM 1120 Views
I thought so too. - 29/05/2012 07:17:35 AM 874 Views
Re: This is a good example of a common sense TV revision..... - 30/05/2012 09:54:17 AM 774 Views
For the TV viewers, most that never read the books..... - 30/05/2012 03:58:24 PM 727 Views
Re: For the TV viewers, most that never read the books..... - 03/06/2012 06:47:57 AM 749 Views
It was during the day, late afternoon likely - 29/05/2012 03:11:57 AM 938 Views
Major spoiler question..... - 29/05/2012 03:27:43 AM 907 Views
Spoilers - 29/05/2012 03:51:30 AM 895 Views
Book spoiler - 29/05/2012 10:51:25 PM 876 Views
Still need to catch up the last 5 episodes. *NM* - 28/05/2012 02:28:49 PM 507 Views
Yes, truly amazing episode, probably the best of the entire series so far! - 28/05/2012 03:18:48 PM 837 Views
Interesting recap of the episode..... - 28/05/2012 03:20:32 PM 939 Views
The guy who plays Stannis is phenomenal. - 28/05/2012 04:36:51 PM 951 Views
Just saw the wildfire scene on youtube - 29/05/2012 06:46:20 AM 922 Views
Well..... - 29/05/2012 02:33:13 PM 798 Views
Re: Well..... - 30/05/2012 09:55:05 AM 700 Views

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