Active Users:145 Time:07/09/2024 11:48:18 PM
It's stuff like that that makes you lose cred ironclad Send a noteboard - 04/04/2012 05:26:24 PM
I am no native speaker. I just checked. The word can be used as noun.

You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.
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The Hunger Games gets a ... different kind of review. - 03/04/2012 03:37:39 PM 2167 Views
"Written by a female with femalist themes" - 03/04/2012 04:38:54 PM 955 Views
Ok, I did and basically it's garbage. *NM* - 03/04/2012 04:53:00 PM 774 Views
I grant that I haven't read the Hunger Games yet - 03/04/2012 05:10:38 PM 898 Views
No, it's totally off. *NM* - 03/04/2012 05:39:03 PM 764 Views
fair enough. like I said, I haven't read it yet. *NM* - 03/04/2012 07:20:34 PM 710 Views
I can only speak for the film, which was not feminist. - 03/04/2012 06:01:18 PM 869 Views
Where do I start? - 03/04/2012 07:43:18 PM 875 Views
Hermoine was the most kick ass of the Potter kids. - 04/04/2012 03:08:17 AM 735 Views
So? Hunger Games has lots of male characters. - 04/04/2012 05:30:21 AM 794 Views
His racism point... - 04/04/2012 02:32:43 PM 683 Views
Makes me almost wish I knew the source material so I could judge what he is saying - 03/04/2012 10:50:48 PM 777 Views
Why don't you think the Hunger Games are feminist? - 03/04/2012 11:17:53 PM 881 Views
Why would I consider it to be femenist? - 04/04/2012 01:51:24 AM 768 Views
Completely agree with your first paragraph - 04/04/2012 08:22:35 AM 827 Views
Re: Completely agree with your first paragraph - 04/04/2012 01:43:55 PM 790 Views
Unfortunately truly ordinary female characters are so rare that the exceptions stand out - 04/04/2012 01:49:16 PM 815 Views
Fair enough - 04/04/2012 02:33:22 PM 859 Views
Stop using female as a noun! - 04/04/2012 03:51:13 PM 782 Views
It's stuff like that that makes you lose cred - 04/04/2012 05:26:24 PM 784 Views
It's fairly derogatory as a noun, though, have to agree with Vivien on that one. - 04/04/2012 07:30:18 PM 775 Views
I don't think Jens was really using it that way, though - 04/04/2012 07:34:28 PM 714 Views
Thank you! - 04/04/2012 08:03:38 PM 808 Views
Of course he didn't intend it that way, but that's how it sounds. - 04/04/2012 08:06:03 PM 790 Views
I understand that, but it's still such a ridiculous thing to get fussed over - 04/04/2012 09:20:01 PM 833 Views
You are rather exaggerating just how "fussed" anyone did get, you do realize. - 04/04/2012 09:51:22 PM 747 Views
Her tone was not just "informative". It was accusatory - 04/04/2012 10:17:57 PM 720 Views
Female is perfectly acceptable to use in a medical/clinical setting. *NM* - 04/04/2012 10:36:57 PM 956 Views
so if your problem is people using it disparagingly... - 04/04/2012 10:45:10 PM 693 Views
That's not what I said. - 04/04/2012 10:51:41 PM 808 Views
I'm going to have to just outright disagree with you then. *NM* - 04/04/2012 10:54:25 PM 742 Views
If I wanted to be accusatory... - 04/04/2012 11:05:37 PM 758 Views
Are you a native English speaker, Legolas? (Clarified to preempt possible internet tears) - 06/04/2012 09:29:28 AM 777 Views
Nope. (edit) - 06/04/2012 07:23:54 PM 770 Views
Re: Nope. (edit) - 07/04/2012 04:51:30 AM 842 Views
"Female that"? That's even worse. - 07/04/2012 11:42:00 AM 729 Views
Ok. - 07/04/2012 03:27:16 PM 1007 Views
Re: It's fairly derogatory as a noun, though, have to agree with Vivien on that one. - 05/04/2012 02:21:21 AM 784 Views
I think the language difference is really interesting. - 05/04/2012 03:13:03 PM 785 Views
English is not French, and it's not German. Particularly the connotations of American English words - 06/04/2012 09:39:00 AM 845 Views
LOL! You don't say... - 06/04/2012 05:06:20 PM 760 Views
LOL u so mad - 06/04/2012 06:19:28 PM 758 Views
The prospect of "losing cred" is not going to stop me from speaking my mind. - 04/04/2012 10:30:03 PM 728 Views
My dear - 09/04/2012 01:07:34 PM 785 Views
LOL - 09/04/2012 01:57:53 PM 635 Views
guess what, it is a noun. *NM* - 04/04/2012 07:26:39 PM 619 Views
That's the first time I have ever heard/seen anyone say that. - 04/04/2012 08:19:02 PM 742 Views
well it's important that you say "female human" - 04/04/2012 09:28:45 PM 749 Views
Re: That's the first time I have ever heard/seen anyone say that. - 04/04/2012 10:48:07 PM 737 Views
wait, so now you're claiming it's a grammatical thing? *NM* - 04/04/2012 10:58:31 PM 744 Views
No, I have issues with words that begin with the letter f. - 04/04/2012 11:09:45 PM 771 Views
ooookay then. - 04/04/2012 11:11:23 PM 827 Views
Re: Stop using female as a noun! - 05/04/2012 02:18:47 PM 690 Views
If dislike of the use of female as a noun makes me crazy town, I'm not the only crazy in here. - 05/04/2012 05:59:16 PM 724 Views
For the record, I certainly don't think you're crazy town. - 05/04/2012 07:23:18 PM 741 Views
Oh, so now we're using 'dislike' instead of 'should'. It's funny how you fell back on that. - 06/04/2012 10:01:59 AM 755 Views
Fascinating. - 06/04/2012 09:54:47 PM 788 Views
Re: Fascinating. - 07/04/2012 03:54:26 AM 749 Views
Just in case (however slim that chance may be) you are genuinely interested in citations/references. - 07/04/2012 05:34:37 AM 761 Views
What a joke. Do you even know what grammar is? - 07/04/2012 05:57:40 AM 810 Views
Oh, come off it. This should be the point where you admit to being wrong. - 07/04/2012 12:11:07 PM 698 Views
Sorry, no. Read better. - 07/04/2012 02:23:10 PM 735 Views
*deletes long reply* Let's focus on the essence here. - 07/04/2012 06:38:08 PM 724 Views
Re: *deletes long reply* Let's focus on the essence here. - 07/04/2012 09:26:34 PM 825 Views
Aha, we found the problem - 09/04/2012 01:03:35 PM 802 Views
You're being disingenuous. - 09/04/2012 12:57:38 PM 728 Views
To be fair - 04/04/2012 02:37:25 PM 777 Views
You didn't see thmovie? She is far from passive - 04/04/2012 01:46:16 PM 796 Views
Re: You didn't see thmovie? She is far from passive - 04/04/2012 02:23:33 PM 750 Views
Re: You didn't see thmovie? She is far from passive - 04/04/2012 07:51:46 PM 766 Views
This - 05/04/2012 12:20:04 AM 739 Views
I got half way through the review and got bored. - 04/04/2012 03:09:58 AM 719 Views
And it appears the writer of the article completely missed a central point of the story *spoilers* - 04/04/2012 05:44:40 AM 778 Views
I think that might be debatable - 05/04/2012 06:59:35 PM 762 Views
She still made plenty of choices and she did choose to kill. - 05/04/2012 07:13:47 PM 711 Views
The reviewer is kind of full of it, but makes a good point about the character - 04/04/2012 04:22:30 PM 802 Views
Out of curiosity (this off topic) - 04/04/2012 07:32:25 PM 702 Views
Rachel, of course. - 05/04/2012 12:17:41 AM 757 Views
Well. Now I've actually seen it. (mild spoilers) - 09/04/2012 12:17:03 AM 819 Views