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Re: Well said DomA Send a noteboard - 02/03/2012 04:51:49 PM
You'd be wrong there. The original movies didn't get a much more favorable critical reception than the PT, and that never stopped people from going to see the movies. The OT had fairly little impact back then on people over 16 y.o. (if you wanted to bore to death my older cousins or the babysitters back then, you went on and on with your SW obsession...), and if it draw in an adult audience, it's largely because the VFX were so unique that people wanted to see that, and parents went along with their kids too. The adults cared little for the "silly" characters and story, they enjoyed the movies because they were unique. The prequel trilogy couldn't enjoy that "novelty effect".

However, that's not how it was perceived back then. I can only speak from the perspective of a German boy at the right age for TESB and ROTJ, but back then everyone seemed to love those movies. They were everywhere, the toys, there were special pages in rather "conservative" TV magazine and so on. Whether the New York Times disliked the films or not mattered very little, you didn't get the impression that the films were looked down upon by anyone, actually. Of course we live in different times now. TPM came around the same time as internet access for everyone and things changed.
Still, I can't think of a boy my age back then who didn't love those films, some girls did too. I still notice this today with people around that age who never abandoned their fascination for that galaxy and get shiny eyes when talking about the original trilogy, but few of them coped with the new trilogy as well as I did, it seems.

But I entirely agree with everything else you said. My friends' little boys are all crazy about The Clone Wars and Lego.

Same here. The discussion with my brother and his wife (both teachers) came after we visited two toystores in our hometown (we use my 2 y.o. niece as an excuse to have to go there :P) last week while at my parents and I expressed my surprise at how much space the SW toys occupied even in those smaller, fancier non-chain stores.

As for the OT's press reception, I can't say much for ANH personally as I was only 9 and not reading reviews, though AFAIK the technological/spectacular aspect dominated everything (the story/characters were not taken very seriously except by the younger audience). And to me ANH was the best movie ever made and I couldn't conceive at the time that someone might not love it! I have many people over 50 in various social circles (work, mostly), and though they're familiar with the OT enough to follow discussions, it's rather obvious the OT didn't have nearly the same lasting impact on them as it did on people between 35-45 today. They've seen them at the time, like nearly everybody did it seems, but they were not "fans", have not rewatched the movies, don't own copies etc.

For ESB and ROTJ I have scrapbooks. The "bad reviews" are not from famous newspapers but our tabloids and non specialized magazines. And "bad" is relative - reviewers said for e.g. the movies were spectacular and hugely entertaining despite their adolescent plots and characters reminescent of Buck Rogers/Flash Gordon, the bad dialogue and really bad acting etc. More or less, the reception of the francise was extremely similar to that the PT later got (at least around here). The local reviews of TPM were on the whole fairly positive - at least all those that reviewed TPM as a SW movie and a kid movie (with weaknesses they pack at the end, quite conscious they're rather secondary in movies like this, like the acting/dialogue or the vagueness of the background plot).

Storywise, ESB got the worst deal from the local reviewers. They found the story's structure really bizarre, they often found Yoda annoying (one reviewer called it the sanctimonious love child of Kermit and a buddhist monk), but it's mostly through the very positive reviews of ROTJ that you saw many reviewers had not been all that impressed with ESB, and saw ROTJ as a roller-coaster return to form (yes, despite the Ewoks - most reviewers were already seing the movies as being primarly for kids), without attempts at a silly and flat love story, without long stretches of pseudo-buddhist tirades by a puppet getting in the way etc. It took quite a few years before ESB came to be seen by so many fans as the best of the three (cinema pros rather still hold the view that ANH is by a long shot the best movie of the lot) - not that as 11 y.o. we held any of those views at the time. What I remember is that ANH attracted girls our age too - they fought for who would be Leia when we played (the others were stuck being Chewy, Threepio or Stormtroopers!) but with ESB/ROTJ, it's already become a predominantly boy thing (with exceptions).
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What if Episode 1 was good? - 28/02/2012 05:11:40 AM 1067 Views
thank you. this is awesome. *NM* - 28/02/2012 05:47:36 AM 315 Views
He has some good points - 28/02/2012 11:32:49 AM 579 Views
Which were which? *NM* - 28/02/2012 02:46:40 PM 230 Views
Talking people are annoying, especially when their first idea is stupid - 28/02/2012 01:51:50 PM 588 Views
Errrr you're not really addressing the video - 28/02/2012 02:55:46 PM 694 Views
Re: Errrr you're not really addressing the video - 28/02/2012 04:22:16 PM 732 Views
This. Very much. - 28/02/2012 06:54:00 PM 534 Views
Re: This. Very much. - 28/02/2012 11:27:02 PM 603 Views
Because 7-10 year olds are really into trade regulation? - 28/02/2012 07:42:43 PM 462 Views
Qui-Gon is the protagonist if you absolutely need one (though I don't know why you do) - 28/02/2012 10:59:23 PM 508 Views
Eh. It wasn't much of an "ensemble," either - 29/02/2012 06:23:23 PM 584 Views
You don't really need character development either - 29/02/2012 07:56:09 PM 572 Views
Re: Because 7-10 year olds are really into trade regulation? - 29/02/2012 12:16:51 AM 519 Views
Well said - 29/02/2012 08:39:36 AM 572 Views
Re: Well said - 02/03/2012 04:51:49 PM 555 Views
Re: Because 7-10 year olds are really into trade regulation? - 29/02/2012 06:33:07 PM 464 Views
Actually, I didn't get that far. The guy annoyed me so much I shut it off after the last point - 28/02/2012 06:45:43 PM 558 Views
Hah, I do! - 28/02/2012 07:55:52 PM 450 Views
Now I want Facebook posts for WoT - 29/02/2012 07:47:31 PM 624 Views
I just hate beets - 01/03/2012 05:18:41 PM 487 Views
Who here thinks they could make a better Episode I ? - 06/03/2012 06:43:58 PM 460 Views
Of course they'd all raise their hands - 07/03/2012 12:34:30 PM 498 Views
The point was that there's nothing special about this guy. - 08/03/2012 01:02:32 AM 550 Views

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