I recently discovered this show after a friend had been talking about it for ages (I am slow on the uptake sometimes), and I have decided to take it up in stead of Big Bang Theory (which I have now officially given up on because of its descent into sitcom hell).
It is strange. It feels like it should be something I would get tired of quickly, with stock characters and a decidedly episodic structure rather than complicated plot arcs (I am a great fan of complicated plot arcs). But I am entertained every time.
Thanks much in part to Troy and Abed, of course.
But I love the use of different tropes every time, how it creates and then comments on genres and keeps stopping short of giving itself over to them. Perfect when your brain is fried and you want to feed your inner geek, I think.
At last, I have an apostrophe!
Foil fencers Dance the Spears. Or, at least, the foils.
Too stubborn to remove that extraneous *MySmiley*
~The Decapitator~
Foil fencers Dance the Spears. Or, at least, the foils.
Too stubborn to remove that extraneous *MySmiley*
~The Decapitator~
16/10/2011 09:27:03 AM
It is one of my favorite shows ever. *NM*
16/10/2011 07:25:09 PM