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I was both entertained and disappointed, but satisfied in the end. *spoilers* Nate Send a noteboard - 02/10/2011 04:16:26 AM
When I think about it from the perspective of someone who hasn't over-analyzed every last detail and built up huge expectations for genius revelations, I feel happier about it. A lot of the stuff that could have been clues ended up just being red herrings thrown in to mess with people like me who look at it too closely, and I can appreciate that. The season was about how the Doctor would avoid his death, and we got our answer, and I'm satisfied with it.

It wasn't quite as "grand" an episode as I was hoping, not grand like Pandorica Opens and Big Bang felt to me, but it was still fun. I think perhaps it was cramming a little too much into one episode. But I liked the flashbacks and I liked everything from the top of the pyramid to the end. Some of the stuff in between wasn't what I was hoping for, but that doesn't make it bad.

Now we'll get the Doctor travelling incognito, without everyone in the universe knowing and fearing him, because most people think he's dead. I'm guessing we'll get a few stand-alone adventures with River, and apparently Amy and Rory will be in some episodes as well, though I don't think they're going to be full-time companions.

If I had to guess, I'd say that they'll resolve the plot about the question (which apparently involves who the Doctor really is) at the end of the 2013 season, the 50th anniversary season. If they did, that would make it Smith's last season, since the question is asked at the "fall of the eleventh."

This also means that the real Doctor really did age 200 years, which I like. I always thought it was weird that Tennant's Doctor only aged four years in the show before dying. That's an awful short time for an immortal time traveler, and if they'd continued that convention of one year of the show being one year for the Doctor, he would be going through regenerations like they were going out of style. The first Doctor lived for something like 400 years, and then Two through Nine lived for a combined 500 years. Then Ten lived four. But now Eleven has been around for more than 200, and I like that. An immortal time traveler should have gaps we don't see, and should learn and grow over large periods of time.

In summary: I love this show.
Warder to starry_nite

Chapterfish — Nate's Writing Blog
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Doctor Who? - 01/10/2011 10:00:57 PM 1150 Views
Not really... - 02/10/2011 03:10:06 AM 824 Views
So did mine! (spoilers) - 02/10/2011 04:04:35 AM 750 Views
I was both entertained and disappointed, but satisfied in the end. *spoilers* - 02/10/2011 04:16:26 AM 881 Views
It wasn't "grand," but it was fun - 02/10/2011 05:17:55 AM 863 Views
Amen! - 02/10/2011 12:58:31 PM 899 Views
Agreed. - 02/10/2011 06:54:34 PM 810 Views
I think I liked it. (spoilers) - 02/10/2011 05:07:44 AM 846 Views
I liked it - with an exception ... - 02/10/2011 12:55:32 PM 855 Views
That's a good question. - 02/10/2011 05:45:15 PM 944 Views
I came to that same conclusion ... - 02/10/2011 06:39:59 PM 848 Views
Re: Amy - 02/10/2011 08:27:03 PM 842 Views
Hope you have the patience of a Saint ... - 02/10/2011 09:18:00 PM 787 Views
Roonas - - 03/10/2011 02:17:21 PM 800 Views
No commentaries on Netflix though. - 03/10/2011 06:37:29 PM 764 Views
I think that one can be explained. - 02/10/2011 09:01:13 PM 808 Views
I guess my second viewing never cleared up that point for me ... - 02/10/2011 09:32:56 PM 915 Views
Re: I guess my second viewing never cleared up that point for me ... - 05/10/2011 09:27:06 AM 1220 Views
Re: I guess my second viewing never cleared up that point for me ... - 05/10/2011 01:40:15 PM 815 Views
This one. - 05/10/2011 02:06:14 PM 927 Views
So, Madame Kovarian... - 05/10/2011 07:45:33 PM 726 Views
That's a good point. - 05/10/2011 11:05:57 PM 757 Views

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