I like to think that the doctor getting married to river is a fixed point in time, now that river can not regenerate, this is the only time it could be.
I think the doctor fakes his own death, in order to live out one human life with river, and then she becomes the old woman with the eye patch, and imprisons herself, letting her out to meet the doctor.
an so the doctor and river are actually playing against themselves. In order to make sure this one lifetime happens, from the moment the doctor dies to the moment that River dies.
The whole time is wonky these past two seasons, i think its a direct effect of the doctor messing with his own timeline.
I think the random doctor oddities have been him on a side trip concurrent to his time with river. I mean really, do we expect the doctor to stay out of it completely durring his "death"?
I think the doctor fakes his own death, in order to live out one human life with river, and then she becomes the old woman with the eye patch, and imprisons herself, letting her out to meet the doctor.
an so the doctor and river are actually playing against themselves. In order to make sure this one lifetime happens, from the moment the doctor dies to the moment that River dies.
The whole time is wonky these past two seasons, i think its a direct effect of the doctor messing with his own timeline.
I think the random doctor oddities have been him on a side trip concurrent to his time with river. I mean really, do we expect the doctor to stay out of it completely durring his "death"?
This message last edited by Apsalar Shadowdancer on 01/10/2011 at 01:20:55 AM
Doctor Who 6.12 - Closing Time
25/09/2011 04:52:22 PM
I can't add a whole lot to this..
26/09/2011 04:39:11 AM
200 years..
26/09/2011 04:06:25 PM
The Doctor bits were good, the Craig bits were not
27/09/2011 03:07:13 PM
My thoughts exactly *NM*
27/09/2011 04:11:23 PM
Might it also be possible ...
27/09/2011 08:03:52 PM
I feel like there's no way that 32 minutes thing is a coincidence
27/09/2011 11:07:32 PM
Re: Doctor Who 6.12 - Closing Time
01/10/2011 01:17:31 AM