Active Users:1226 Time:23/02/2025 07:59:43 PM
I wonder. Nate Send a noteboard - 28/09/2011 04:08:16 PM
The two Silence being referred to as River Song's owners?

It's a thing of nightmares!

They're so flipping scary!! They are my new favorite monster.

But yeah, it looks like Kevorian really is working for them. That explains why they have baby River in the Impossible Astronaut. They didn't have to steal her or anything, whatsherface just handed her over.

If Kovarian is working for the silent aliens, that implies that the silent aliens are in charge of the entire Silence movement that is dedicated to destroying the Doctor. Would that make their kill-the-Doctor goal a revenge plot because of what he did to them? But they clearly knew the Doctor before that, based on what one of them said to Amy in the bathroom. And they kidnapped pregnant Amy and had child Melody in the suit all before the Doctor tried to drive them from the planet.

I'm not sure if I believe they're the leaders of the Silence, or if they're just another part of the organization, like the Clerics and the Headless Monks. Either way, I don't think Kovarian is in charge. There's someone or something above her, some overall reason for the war on the Doctor, and some reason why the Clerics and the Headless Monks got involved in it.

I wonder if there were silent aliens watching River ever since she broke free and took up archaeology. There could have been two of them just following her around for years.
Warder to starry_nite

Chapterfish — Nate's Writing Blog
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Doctor Who 6.12 - Closing Time - 25/09/2011 04:52:22 PM 946 Views
I can't add a whole lot to this.. - 26/09/2011 04:39:11 AM 774 Views
Re: I can't add a whole lot to this.. - 26/09/2011 05:26:18 PM 718 Views
HAHAHA!! - 26/09/2011 06:09:04 PM 686 Views
I was not that enthusiastic. - 26/09/2011 07:37:08 AM 790 Views
Aw. - 26/09/2011 04:40:42 PM 728 Views
200 years.. - 26/09/2011 04:06:25 PM 740 Views
It seems to be implied more than stated. - 26/09/2011 04:13:49 PM 774 Views
Maybe he wanted to make sure they knew there were two Doctors. - 26/09/2011 07:06:44 PM 740 Views
Re: 200 years.. and other stuff - 27/09/2011 03:58:23 AM 732 Views
He has a time machine - 27/09/2011 04:11:06 PM 766 Views
According to... some writer. - 27/09/2011 04:24:47 PM 713 Views
We shouldn't forget rule number 1, The Doctor Lies - 27/09/2011 05:29:29 PM 713 Views
I have considered this for sure. *NM* - 28/09/2011 05:22:28 AM 344 Views
The Doctor bits were good, the Craig bits were not - 27/09/2011 03:07:13 PM 733 Views
My thoughts exactly *NM* - 27/09/2011 04:11:23 PM 306 Views
I'm surrounded by monsters. *NM* - 27/09/2011 04:25:32 PM 347 Views
Surprise? *NM* - 27/09/2011 04:28:38 PM 324 Views
I thought it was very sweet. - 27/09/2011 11:10:22 PM 738 Views
How great would it be. - 27/09/2011 07:47:11 PM 749 Views
Might it also be possible ... - 27/09/2011 08:03:52 PM 776 Views
I feel like there's no way that 32 minutes thing is a coincidence - 27/09/2011 11:07:32 PM 747 Views
Agreed *NM* - 28/09/2011 02:49:00 AM 321 Views
On giving up the regenerations - 28/09/2011 03:36:35 PM 687 Views
Yeah. - 28/09/2011 04:00:01 PM 813 Views
Did no one mention - 28/09/2011 05:21:57 AM 664 Views
I love the Silence - 28/09/2011 03:12:49 PM 678 Views
I wonder. - 28/09/2011 04:08:16 PM 747 Views
Re: Doctor Who 6.12 - Closing Time - 01/10/2011 01:17:31 AM 870 Views
I haven't been this excited to see a finale in YEARS. *NM* - 01/10/2011 02:49:57 PM 327 Views
I know I'm stoked. - 01/10/2011 08:00:08 PM 647 Views

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