I think you're wrong. - Edit 1
Before modification by nossy at 18/09/2011 09:40:30 PM
It isn't the complaining fanboy population that decides what the "real" Star Wars is.
And I'm not some "whiny fanboy" who has nothing better to do. He didn't make those movies just so he could watch them, enjoy them, play with them. He made them for people he hoped would become his fans, and they just happen to be the same people who made him rich. I don't think it's at all wrong to feel disrespected and annoyed when he decides to go back in and change them. It is my history too.
He's acting like the big kind in the sandbox who keeps all the toys because they are his. Sure, it's his right, but that doesn't mean it's super fun for the rest of us, and it's certainly not fair.