Fair is not right. Right is objective and abstract. Fair is emotional & subjective.
Cannoli Send a noteboard - 03/08/2011 02:35:39 AM
As George Carlin used to say "F*** popular usage!"
They are good things to guide personal actions. They are not good things to guide the exercise of power. Empathy means identifying with someone else, which means making everything boil down to "them vs. us."
last time I checked cannoli fair equals right, and compassion and empathy are only bad things if you are an atheistic objectivist who believes altruism is inherently evil.
They are good things to guide personal actions. They are not good things to guide the exercise of power. Empathy means identifying with someone else, which means making everything boil down to "them vs. us."
Wow you are a bastard. As can be seen by what is going on in America today the republican party is anything but conservative in name only. They are trying to end social security.
If only that were true. And even if it were, it just means they are not far-left socialists. Proper action on a single issue does not make them conservative. How are they doing on ending the war on terror and the more gratuitous and egregious usurpations of power by the government in general and the executive branch in particular? Simply trying to curtail spending in a budget with comically obscene deficits is hardly definitive proof of a particular ideological slant. The idea that being weak CAN give you empathy for other people who are weak and make you more prone to go the route of might FOR right as opposed to might makes right is certainly true. Is it always true? Of course not. But these kind of simple rules never are. It is the "walk a mile in someone else's shoes" writ large. A saying that all of us with brains understand is certainly real.
The saying may be real, but hardly true. Being able to understand and empathize with another's choices does not change whether they are right or wrong, or how you have to react to them. Tell ya what, you fucktarded hypocrite, why don't you show me the slightest evidence of giving me that courtesy, rather than simply demonizing a viewpoint with which you disagree? I gave reasons and laid out my philosophical issues. Only a gross lack of reading comprehension skills (admittedly an apparently endemic malady on this site) could leave one unaware of my reasoning, but all YOU provide are simplistic declarations, unsupported by any reason or evidence. The fact that you identify my philosophy as even remotely objectivist shows both your absolute lack of reasoning skills, and probably some serious ignorance of what objectivism actually entails. I knew I deeply disagreed with you on philosophical and political matters but I never thought I would get to call you a selfish, greedy, anarchical, bastard. Congratulations.
And I never thought I would get to call you stupid, but the evidence is leaning that way. Not that I've actually noticed you out of the herd or can think of anything that you in particular have written. Maybe this post will stick.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
Captain America & the perversion of popular morality
23/07/2011 03:40:14 AM
But was Red Skull hot?
23/07/2011 05:02:30 AM
Oh and it was a pretty good movie, especially for a comic book film
23/07/2011 05:21:45 AM
That's three hits in a row for Marvel this summer.
23/07/2011 11:38:34 AM
The trick is to save 3D glasses and then only buy tix to normal shows.
23/07/2011 10:53:08 PM
Re: Captain America & the perversion of popular morality
31/07/2011 06:53:54 PM
wootwoot!!! I'm not alone!!!
31/07/2011 10:32:38 PM
Re: wootwoot!!! I'm not alone!!!
01/08/2011 03:47:04 AM
Re: wootwoot!!! I'm not alone!!!
01/08/2011 11:44:21 PM
Would someone explain how Affirmative Action Nixon & Budget Bursting Reagan are conservatives?
03/08/2011 02:24:33 AM
kinda the point. the party that worships Reagan has gone so far to his right they would drum him out
03/08/2011 03:44:17 AM
What does a party have to do with anything?I'm talking about principles not a political organization
06/08/2011 03:11:19 AM
Fair is not right. Right is objective and abstract. Fair is emotional & subjective.
03/08/2011 02:35:39 AM