Re: True Blood Episodes one AND two *SPOILERS*
everynametaken Send a noteboard - 29/06/2011 04:22:00 AM
I'm in agreement with whomever said the fairy battle was over the top. That was almost too much.
Maybe, maybe not. I think we need more information. Queen Maab has been portrayed differently by different authors throughout history. I am sure a Google search could maybe open up some possibilities. I think it kind of interesting that it was all a facade. I think cute, nude, lounging fairies would have become somewhat boring by season's end.
I wasn't a fan of Eric going on about how he OWNED Sookie now - he's a vampire, and reality is a little skewed for him, sure, but he has to know (in an intelligent way I mean) that owning her house does not make him own her.
Yeah, I thought that was a little over the top. So was the cubby he added to the house. Uh, how did he manage to put that in in like a day?
Tommy is dating Hoyt's mom? I don't get that AT ALL.
I think she's just babying him and the other kid now that her son has abandoned her. Tommy was just using her to torment Sam in front of her.
I liked that Sam has shifter friends.. I hope he hooks up with that one girl. Mmm mmm hot.
That chick is smoking hot!
For those of you with HBO GO (which honestly should be everyone since it's for HBO users.. Episode 2 was also available
I think this episode came back to the True Blood roots to some degree.
I liked how the witch thing happened - though I was really looking forward to Eric running naked down the street. Booo for blue jeans. LOL
I think it was tied into Eric's comment about the Inquisition. My early prediction was that the spirit she channeled was some kind of inquisitor who was saying some kind of prayer in Latin that would fight a vampire or something if the sort. I'd like to see if anybody has a translation yet.
I'm NOT a fan of how Jason got kidnapped and bitten by the Hotshot people. I wondered how they were going to make this happen.. and having Crystal be a part of it seems counter productive to me. Ugh.
Yeah, the whole Hotshot thing is mheh to me. I don't like Crystal and I don't like the storyline.
I know I didn't cover everything, but that's the stand out for me. I AM interested in your thoughts
Terry is awesome as usual but I don't want to hear an entire season of "He's evil!!!".
The Tara storyline is a bit weird.
And I guess mu final thought is that I hope that one witch who waitressed for Sam for a short time gets it. I can't stand her.
But wine was the great assassin of both tradition and propriety...
-Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings
-Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings
True Blood Episodes one AND two *SPOILERS*
28/06/2011 02:25:24 PM
I hope the vampires are made to suffer (and also a spoiler from
28/06/2011 07:45:23 PM
Re: I hope the vampires are made to suffer (and also a spoiler from
28/06/2011 08:09:55 PM
Re: True Blood Episodes one AND two *SPOILERS*
29/06/2011 04:22:00 AM
Confused about what happened to Eric.
30/06/2011 07:26:40 PM
30/06/2011 08:41:35 PM
Well. That's a whole lotta nothing. I thought the true witches of Sookieverse were powerful!
01/07/2011 11:29:04 PM
They're necromancers, so they can control dead stuff.. not make them come to life *NM*
02/07/2011 07:27:29 AM
Sure they can. Harry Keogh, the Necroscope, did. Many times. Willow too from BtVS.
02/07/2011 02:23:10 PM
Necromancers can force dead people to do things, like moving, but they can't quite bring them back
02/07/2011 06:38:54 PM