I'm in agreement with whomever said the fairy battle was over the top. That was almost too much.
I wasn't a fan of Eric going on about how he OWNED Sookie now - he's a vampire, and reality is a little skewed for him, sure, but he has to know (in an intelligent way I mean) that owning her house does not make him own her.
Tommy is dating Hoyt's mom? I don't get that AT ALL.
I liked that Sam has shifter friends.. I hope he hooks up with that one girl. Mmm mmm hot.
For those of you with HBO GO (which honestly should be everyone since it's for HBO users.. Episode 2 was also available
I think this episode came back to the True Blood roots to some degree.
I liked how the witch thing happened - though I was really looking forward to Eric running naked down the street. Booo for blue jeans. LOL
I'm NOT a fan of how Jason got kidnapped and bitten by the Hotshot people. I wondered how they were going to make this happen.. and having Crystal be a part of it seems counter productive to me. Ugh.
I know I didn't cover everything, but that's the stand out for me. I AM interested in your thoughts
I wasn't a fan of Eric going on about how he OWNED Sookie now - he's a vampire, and reality is a little skewed for him, sure, but he has to know (in an intelligent way I mean) that owning her house does not make him own her.
Tommy is dating Hoyt's mom? I don't get that AT ALL.
I liked that Sam has shifter friends.. I hope he hooks up with that one girl. Mmm mmm hot.
For those of you with HBO GO (which honestly should be everyone since it's for HBO users.. Episode 2 was also available
I think this episode came back to the True Blood roots to some degree.
I liked how the witch thing happened - though I was really looking forward to Eric running naked down the street. Booo for blue jeans. LOL
I'm NOT a fan of how Jason got kidnapped and bitten by the Hotshot people. I wondered how they were going to make this happen.. and having Crystal be a part of it seems counter productive to me. Ugh.
I know I didn't cover everything, but that's the stand out for me. I AM interested in your thoughts
By the way, I miss you too.~KB
By the way, I miss you too.~KB
This message last edited by Amyrlin on 28/06/2011 at 02:28:07 PM
True Blood Episodes one AND two *SPOILERS*
28/06/2011 02:25:24 PM
I hope the vampires are made to suffer (and also a spoiler from true-blood.net)
28/06/2011 07:45:23 PM
Re: I hope the vampires are made to suffer (and also a spoiler from true-blood.net)
28/06/2011 08:09:55 PM
Confused about what happened to Eric.
30/06/2011 07:26:40 PM
30/06/2011 08:41:35 PM
Well. That's a whole lotta nothing. I thought the true witches of Sookieverse were powerful!
01/07/2011 11:29:04 PM
They're necromancers, so they can control dead stuff.. not make them come to life *NM*
02/07/2011 07:27:29 AM
Sure they can. Harry Keogh, the Necroscope, did. Many times. Willow too from BtVS.
02/07/2011 02:23:10 PM
Necromancers can force dead people to do things, like moving, but they can't quite bring them back
02/07/2011 06:38:54 PM