Active Users:364 Time:14/03/2025 06:38:54 AM
I found it lacking Two Wongs Send a noteboard - 03/06/2011 04:00:08 PM
I cannot put my finger on what it is exactly that is missing, but it failed to ignite much of anything for me. I failed to stir for any of the introduced characters and I came away with the uncomfortable feeling that the church was pulling it's fingers out of a cookie jar somewhere.
Yet, that's not to say that I entirely disliked the movie for I love the world of Jack Sparrow and am quite content just to simply be there even when nothing much is happening (much like some of the WoT books, eh?)

I have a feeling it may be missing much of the humour of the others. Many of the scenes were predictable, and the sword scenes went for far too long without variation. Wongy Jnr said it was full of too much "boring bits" that "dragged on too long"; however he liked that he could understand the storyline with this one in a way he couldn't with 2 and 3 (having only just watched the first three movies this week).
And Penelope Cruz? I don't see what it is in her character that would spark an inveterate womaniser's feelings, other than the very obvious push to make her a female version of himself.

Two Wongs
Former Officer, ASI
Now mature and sensible... *MySmiley*
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Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides - 22/05/2011 09:38:41 PM 1664 Views
Meh. - 23/05/2011 01:56:27 AM 998 Views
I'll be taking my daughter to see it - 23/05/2011 04:34:57 PM 941 Views
You made me laugh. Your daughter sounds adorable! *NM* - 24/05/2011 02:36:04 AM 416 Views
I've only read reviews that were rather down on this movie... - 24/05/2011 03:53:31 PM 1092 Views
Re: I've only read reviews that were rather down on this movie... - 24/05/2011 10:01:46 PM 915 Views
Re: I've only read reviews that were rather down on this movie... - 24/05/2011 10:10:12 PM 835 Views
See... that's why movies are so great. - 25/05/2011 04:07:31 PM 997 Views
I second everything in this post. *NM* - 27/05/2011 04:50:49 AM 386 Views
I really liked Ian McShane's voice. I don't know why. *NM* - 27/05/2011 04:50:19 AM 379 Views
Re: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides - 29/05/2011 02:47:05 PM 881 Views
I agree - 30/05/2011 12:21:57 PM 810 Views
Meh. Too dark (literally), and the plot felt rehashed. - 30/05/2011 05:18:26 PM 868 Views
I found it lacking - 03/06/2011 04:00:08 PM 971 Views

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