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BSG is one of my all time favorite series. j-whitt987 Send a noteboard - 22/04/2011 01:32:30 AM
Some comments and then a question.

I love the series so far! Acting, writing, sets and special effects are all great! That being said I think it could be going down a much travelled road. By that I mean I think its starting to reach a point in the series where the story has caught up to the writing and we're going to start seeing some lame excuses and dues ex machina from here on out.

I didn't find that there were too many dues ex machina. They're there, but no more than any other show out there. That's just me though and I'm sure many people would disagree with me.

The last 2 episodes of season 3 were very good, but if you couldn't guess who the four cylons revealed at the end of the last episode were well beforehand than you were not paying attention. It was so obvious I thought I had to be wrong. That being said I don't think there was any foreshadowing before the 2nd to last episode. Makes me think they had no idea who were going to be the final 5 cylons ahead of time. I'm now wondering how they're going to explain Starbuck's absence. Is she the final cylon? I hope they don't drag that out for the length of the entire last season.

I remember not being surprised after the last two episodes of the season. I really wish there had been more foreshadowing though as it seemed like they just pulled names out of a hat when it came time to reveal them.

Anyway, though I think it could get rather corny I'm still excited to finish the series. My question is about the TV movie "The Plan". Should this be watched before season 4?

I'd say if you watch it make it after the final Cylon is revealed like DomA said. I didn't find it to be as bad as everyone else did for some reason. It was pretty boring though.

Comments, suggestions? Please no spoilers! Thanks ahead of time!
Kirk: Spock, you want to know something? Everybody’s human.
Spock: I find that remark…insulting.
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Battlestar Galactica. Just finished watching season 3. - 21/04/2011 10:25:01 PM 713 Views
Re: Battlestar Galactica. Just finished watching season 3. - 22/04/2011 12:21:30 AM 495 Views
Great show. - 25/04/2011 06:34:04 AM 435 Views
BSG is one of my all time favorite series. - 22/04/2011 01:32:30 AM 517 Views
Don't watch The Plan!!!! For the gods' sake! - 22/04/2011 07:13:32 PM 449 Views
Wow! Guess I won't be watching The Plan. - 22/04/2011 09:05:37 PM 466 Views

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