What are your three favorite TV shows in the past 20 years?
I automatically take out any Star Trek TV series. I love all of those ones....
In no particular order....
Oz, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel, and a toss up between Spartacus (Blood & Sand, Gods of the Arena) and Archer
What are your 5 all time favorite TV shows?
Those from before...along with the Star Treks, Law & Order (The original one & SVU)
Is there one in particular that stands out, where you were excited for that night, and would make plans AROUND the show so as not to miss it?
Now adays, I don't really watch anything on "live" TV anymore. Its all DVR'ed. But back before that technology (when I lived at home with the parentals), we used to plan out dinner and such to see X-Files on Friday evenings. The early seasons were awsome.
ex-Admin at wotmania (all things wot & art galleries)
Saving the Princess, Humanity, or the World-Entire since 1985
Saving the Princess, Humanity, or the World-Entire since 1985
A short but fabulous Humpday survey
30/03/2011 02:35:09 PM
Tough call....
30/03/2011 08:52:11 PM
31/03/2011 09:32:52 AM
I actually struggled over whether or not to list Twin Peaks in my top 5.
31/03/2011 06:01:45 PM