Active Users:372 Time:13/03/2025 08:42:31 PM
I've been meaning to find the time, but j-whitt987 Send a noteboard - 03/03/2011 01:36:36 AM
The lead, Jason Clarke, is great. And Delroy Lindo is great as well, especially a few episodes in.

With school and watching through Lost with my wife plus taking care of two kids when we're not doing that there's really not much time left in the day.
Kirk: Spock, you want to know something? Everybody’s human.
Spock: I find that remark…insulting.
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Anybody been watching "The Chicago Code"? - 02/03/2011 10:50:37 PM 524 Views
I have really enjoyed it so far. - 02/03/2011 11:04:15 PM 489 Views
I've been meaning to find the time, but - 03/03/2011 01:36:36 AM 454 Views
I watched the premiere and enjoyed it. - 05/03/2011 12:25:29 AM 486 Views

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