Good premiere. I do love me an episode of Bones. One complaint: Brennan getting stabbed in the arm (in an artery, from the looks of the spurting blood) and yet walking around in short sleeves 12 hours later without sign of a stitch let alone a band-aid. Damn you consistency editors! 
Also, it's a good thing I didn't actually play the game, I'd a been drunk before we hit the halfway point

Also, it's a good thing I didn't actually play the game, I'd a been drunk before we hit the halfway point

This message last edited by smaug on 18/09/2009 at 02:03:50 PM
I am way to excited to watch Bones tonight.
17/09/2009 12:10:57 PM
yep. I'm drunkll now. Damn your game. *NM*
18/09/2009 02:16:03 AM
I only made it through 4 bottles. And I miss the interns! Bring back the interns! *NM*
18/09/2009 07:18:18 AM
Noo! Where was the belt buckle! *spoilerish*
18/09/2009 02:03:31 PM