So, Smallville is in its 10th and final season.....I have never watched it. A few questions:
1. To those that have watched it, what are your thoughts on the show?
It's fun, really, superman purists might hate it though. However, it is very shallow, and fails a bit on the moral of the story, which tends to be "clark kent is a whiny bitch who should grow a pair" (not that bad, really, but it has its moments when the fast forward function is really useful)
2. Is it worth giving it a shot (meaning, renting from NetFlix starting with season 1)?
Depends. there is a lot of episodes. There are better shows out there. But the time spent on it might not be a total waste. Can't be very expensive.
3. What seasons are good/worth watching.....i.e., when did it jump the shark?
Well, it started downhill after the first 4 seasons or so, iirc, but the only _really_ crappy season was number 8. Of course, people might judge it differently, but that was not good. at all.
"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world" - Calvin.
Smallville - General Questions
06/02/2011 09:00:29 PM
It is a decent show.
06/02/2011 09:29:32 PM
I stopped after the 3rd or 4th, I can't remember anymore. But I know for sure I stopped @ the "Blur" *NM*
07/02/2011 03:25:57 AM
I've watched most of the episodes through all 10 seasons
07/02/2011 03:08:45 PM
Thanks for the info - Battlestar Galactica question
10/02/2011 06:41:49 PM
Watch them in order
10/02/2011 08:23:14 PM
Thanks! Overall, how did you like BG? *NM*
10/02/2011 11:44:25 PM