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Re: RAFO-TV&M Awards 2010: Voting is up! random thoughts Send a noteboard - 19/01/2011 11:02:02 PM
Alright, folks. You nominated and here are the nominees you can now vote for!

Voting closes at midnight on the of 1st of February RAFO time!

I tried to go for five entries in each category but depending on the votes they got, I sometimes had to go with more, instead of less. More options are fun, right?

Regardless of how many names or movies are nominated, you have three votes per category. The first is worth 3 points, the next 2, the last one 1 point. So please don't forget to indicate which one gets which number from you, otherwise I'll assume the first name gets 3 and the last 1. Easiest way is to delete all but the ones that get your points. Of course you can decide to just vote for one or two films/names instead. Just delete all films you don't want to give points and then add in those.

You can edit your reply as often as you want before February 1st. You can also vote by NBing me. Since we decided not to have a competition for the Most Magic Moments the results of those will return for the award ceremony. Everyone who didn't nominate, tough luck :P

That is all, have fun!


Best Drama

I have only seen two of them but I liked both


Shutter island

Best Comedy

Ony saw three so they will get my points

Toy Story 3

Kick Ass

How to Train Your Dragon

Best acting performance male

I have only seen two of these roles

Leonardo DiCaprio in Inception


Leonardo DiCaprio in Shutter Island


Inception was probably a better film by I liked his part better in Shutter Island

Best acting performance female

Chloe Moretz in Kick-Ass

3 I assume this is the young girl in the movie

Marion Cotillard in Inception

2 by default

Most disappointing movie

I have only seen two of those and I wasn't disapointed so I won't award any points

Most pleasant surprise movie

How to train your dragon

Kick Ass


Alice in Wonderland



Best drama show

Doctor Who


Best comedy show



South Park


Best TV cast


Glee is the only one of these i watch and then only because I have not yet assumed full control of the remote. Not a bad cast though and funnier then I admit to my guy friends.

Favorite character


The 11th Doctor, Doctor Who

3 and the 1 as well
Brittany Pierce, Glee


Most annoying character

I don't know who these chacters are off the top of my head so no points for anyone.

Best new TV show




2 They would havce gotten more if they had not been canceled

Most disappointing show

I haven't watch most of these shows or movies so I am not sure what my votes are worth

3 for getting canceled

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RAFO-TV&M Awards 2010: Voting is closed. - 17/01/2011 11:09:32 PM 1273 Views
Changing a few votes after having seen Black Swan - 18/01/2011 09:14:40 AM 973 Views
Re: RAFO-TV&M Awards 2010: Voting is up! - 18/01/2011 10:38:38 AM 842 Views
Re: RAFO-TV&M Awards 2010: Voting is up! - 18/01/2011 02:29:51 PM 1019 Views
Re: RAFO-TV&M Awards 2010: Voting is up! - 18/01/2011 04:48:35 PM 988 Views
Re: RAFO-TV&M Awards 2010: Voting is up! - 18/01/2011 11:06:54 PM 917 Views
Re: RAFO-TV&M Awards 2010: Voting is up! - 19/01/2011 02:19:03 AM 937 Views
Re: RAFO-TV&M Awards 2010: Voting is up! - 19/01/2011 04:01:20 AM 880 Views
Re: RAFO-TV&M Awards 2010: Voting is up! - 19/01/2011 10:00:29 AM 995 Views
Re: RAFO-TV&M Awards 2010: Voting is up! - 19/01/2011 11:02:02 PM 954 Views
Re: RAFO-TV&M Awards 2010: Voting is up! - 20/01/2011 06:23:36 AM 855 Views
Re: RAFO-TV&M Awards 2010: Voting is up! *NM* - 20/01/2011 05:39:32 PM 479 Views
Re: RAFO-TV&M Awards 2010: Voting is up! *NM* - 20/01/2011 05:53:28 PM 514 Views
Re: RAFO-TV&M Awards 2010: Voting is up! *NM* - 21/01/2011 06:52:55 PM 633 Views
Re: RAFO-TV&M Awards 2010: Voting is up! - 21/01/2011 08:36:56 PM 859 Views
Re: RAFO-TV&M Awards 2010: Voting is up! - 23/01/2011 12:08:16 AM 1027 Views
Re: RAFO-TV&M Awards 2010: Voting is up! - 24/01/2011 11:43:46 PM 910 Views
Re: RAFO-TV&M Awards 2010: Voting is up! *NM* - 25/01/2011 07:03:26 AM 449 Views
Re: RAFO-TV&M Awards 2010: Voting is up! - 25/01/2011 09:54:57 AM 886 Views
Re: RAFO-TV&M Awards 2010: Voting is up! - 25/01/2011 06:59:43 PM 980 Views
Re: RAFO-TV&M Awards 2010: Voting is up! - 25/01/2011 08:11:00 PM 880 Views
I guess not everybody saw Archer - 27/01/2011 11:03:36 AM 888 Views
My votes, without the annoying smileys in the title - 28/01/2011 02:46:58 PM 852 Views
Re: RAFO-TV&M Awards 2010: Voting is up! - 29/01/2011 03:07:35 AM 863 Views
Re: RAFO-TV&M Awards 2010: Voting is up! - 30/01/2011 02:25:56 AM 829 Views
Re: RAFO-TV&M Awards 2010: Voting is up! - 30/01/2011 11:25:04 PM 862 Views

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