Re: i think i'll just have my kids watch mythbusters then.
j-whitt987 Send a noteboard - 18/12/2010 05:19:42 PM
i'm marrying a physicist/engineer... there's no way he'd let our kids watch that kind of crap aren't there any good kids programs these days? i was in israel and my 3 cousins (2, 5, and 8 yr old boys) were watching this ridiculous british tv show with characters that make odd noises and do things that make absolutely no sense. you'd have to be really ridiculously high to enjoy it as an adult, and i don't know why the kids like it... they were bloody mesmerized by the stupid thing. it was baffling.
Sounds bad.
i grew up with 4 tv channels, the big 3 and pbs, watching sesame st and the electric co and square one tv.... along with a bajillion cartoons. what has happened to all that stuff? i think that in the end, i'm going to have to get dvds of good shows and play them for my kids...
I tried to get my kid to watch The Jetsons on OnDemand thinking "colorful, a great intro song, and it's fun" he screamed and cried until I found an episode of the Backyardigans.
Kirk: Spock, you want to know something? Everybody’s human.
Spock: I find that remark…insulting.
Spock: I find that remark…insulting.
I really, REALLY hate children's development programs.
18/12/2010 01:47:19 PM
i think i'll just have my kids watch mythbusters then.
18/12/2010 05:13:14 PM
Re: i think i'll just have my kids watch mythbusters then.
18/12/2010 05:19:42 PM
Just have them watch the classics. *NM*
18/12/2010 06:38:16 PM
You mean when you could shoot someone in the face with a shotgun and it would be okay?
18/12/2010 08:18:21 PM
Imagination Movers only exists to showcase the beauty of Neighbor Nina. *NM*
18/12/2010 08:18:53 PM
If you want to be honet there really is no such thing as good TV for a two year-old
21/12/2010 02:34:59 PM
Re: If you want to be honet there really is no such thing as good TV for a two year-old
21/12/2010 07:01:03 PM
Yeah. You have to interact with them or teach them to read early. No one learns jack from TV *NM*
22/12/2010 03:10:09 AM