Active Users:505 Time:21/09/2024 03:47:17 AM
Yes, of course. Palatine Send a noteboard - 21/11/2010 04:28:06 PM
Dream Theater - Pull Me Under - How could I have never heard this song before this morning? Or heard of this group? I know that I would have noticed if I had even heard any part of it before. Maybe the radio stations in my town assume nobody is going to like that kind of music. But I am not "nobody".

I think that happens to everybody.

Regarding Dream Theater in particular: Pull Me Under was their only "hit." If you listen to any radio station that plays more than just the popular metal at all, that's the one Dream Theater song they'll play. They've been around since the late '80s and are a good band all-around with a very loyal following (otherwise they wouldn't have lasted so long). I've just read that the drummer (a founding memeber) has recently left the band, so there'll be nothing new from them anytime soon.

They are always called "progressive rock/metal." Although, I honestly don't know what the hell that means. The best I can figure (when bands are called that) is that they play, on average, longer songs, with longer periods of no singing; they extensively use keyboards; the lyrics are "philosophical" or serious, rather than about having a good time; and they don't play the same melody or rythym throughout a single song. Why any of that makes a band "progressive" is beyond me.

Ultimately, it's not surprising you haven't heard of Dream Theater, because they don't make the kind of music that is going to get a lot of radio play.

I play air tambourine. Competitively.
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Music: Have you ever heard a song for the first time years after it came out? - 20/11/2010 10:54:42 PM 825 Views
No, but I am always pretty up to date with music - 20/11/2010 11:48:40 PM 693 Views
You were the first one I expected (and hoped) would reply. - 21/11/2010 12:02:58 AM 653 Views
Re: You were the first one I expected (and hoped) would reply. - 21/11/2010 12:13:06 PM 670 Views
There's no accounting for tastes. - 21/11/2010 01:56:33 PM 721 Views
I don't think I have heard Within Temptation. - 22/11/2010 01:12:34 AM 661 Views
Try Ice Queen and Mother Earth. - 22/11/2010 10:13:20 AM 811 Views
Reviews. - 22/11/2010 10:46:44 PM 740 Views
Okay, I got their Metropolis Pt. 2 along with Queensrÿche's "Mindcrime at the Moore". - 22/11/2010 11:42:57 PM 648 Views
Excellent, have fun! - 23/11/2010 12:29:43 PM 723 Views
Oh yeah. All the time. Bought Dream Theater's Best Of earlier this year, in fact. - 21/11/2010 12:07:11 AM 729 Views
Apparently I do like that genre even though I just found out it was called progressive metal. - 21/11/2010 02:08:27 AM 730 Views
Do you like either ordinary metal or progressive rock, then? - 21/11/2010 02:40:31 AM 783 Views
Now I am lost. - 21/11/2010 05:12:09 AM 724 Views
Actually - 21/11/2010 12:10:01 PM 993 Views
Looks like there is a lot in that link to keep me busy investigating. - 22/11/2010 01:20:21 AM 829 Views
Not me, I've never heard of them. *NM* - 22/11/2010 10:17:47 AM 365 Views
Me neither. *NM* - 22/11/2010 11:17:38 AM 409 Views
I guess that's a no, then. - 21/11/2010 01:52:11 PM 591 Views
That is how I usually experience music - 21/11/2010 11:11:03 AM 597 Views
Yes, of course. - 21/11/2010 04:28:06 PM 659 Views
Re: Yes, of course. - 22/11/2010 01:29:11 AM 711 Views
I do that quite often - 22/11/2010 12:22:00 AM 616 Views
I am always being suprised by how much is out there that I have never heard of. - 22/11/2010 01:14:50 AM 654 Views
yeah, I do that too. - 22/11/2010 12:35:23 PM 685 Views
that album is amazing.... the one after that is pretty good too *NM* - 22/11/2010 06:53:31 AM 400 Views
Happens all the time - 22/11/2010 09:46:29 PM 815 Views
That was fun. What an odd little group. Do you have any other songs of theirs you really like? - 22/11/2010 10:25:39 PM 656 Views
Fantastic band, especially live. One of the finest records of 2009. - 22/11/2010 10:42:47 PM 749 Views
I am good with the acoustic version. It seems to fit the song. Sometimes the acoustic version is the - 22/11/2010 11:02:25 PM 794 Views
Oh boy - 23/11/2010 08:17:30 PM 715 Views
Mumford are awesome. - 25/11/2010 08:50:15 PM 652 Views
Well. Most of the Beatles' songs... *NM* - 23/11/2010 04:20:26 PM 286 Views

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