And wow... it was brutal. You know, it wasn't even so much the Master I was concerned with, or even the return of the Time Lords (though they could have used more show and less tell). It was that last half hour where he was just saying goodbye... and I kept waiting for it to happen, and kept waiting... and it didn't happen - and then it did, and it was awful and glorious and fantastic in just specifically the way that only the Doctor could possibly be. I am drained now.
But the other part was like, "stop being a self-indulgent whiner, you're just going to regenerate." But I guess we're all allowed to be selfish sometimes, even the Doctor. A little fallibility is a good thing. Plus David Tennant has the acting ability to pull it off, so yeah. There might have been tears.
Insert theme music here.
So I just finished watching Doctor Who: The End of Time.
01/09/2010 06:49:59 AM
Part of me loved it
01/09/2010 06:18:47 PM
It was so over-the-top stupid I don't know where to begin.
01/09/2010 08:48:48 PM