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haha Aisha Send a noteboard - 15/06/2010 02:51:37 AM
Actually I want to see more of her too lol

but my fave lines were from lafyette when he told off taras mom and sookie when she goes to Pam "Im not in the mood for your lesbian wierdness"

I need more of Eric naked ass and hopefully we get a full frontal before the season is over ;)

OMG that was awesome! I want MORE naked Eric! I am soo jealous of Natasha Alam right now (6 hours? wow, thats stamina). Lafayette is my fave character ever! Sams gay Bill dream had me cracking up I soo wanted them to kiss! Next week cant come soon enough!

Just kidding, well, only half kidding. ;)

But seriously though I was pretty excited at how quick paced it was for the first episode. I really was hoping that they wouldn't take all season to show us what happened to Bill. Hopefully they heard the complaints about the never ending Mary Ann storyline and have responded with a much quicker storyline.

Lafayette is hilarious. Pam cracked me up to with her "I'm not a hooker, that was a long time ago." :D
Aisha - formerly known as randschicka
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True Blood premiere! *spoilers* - 14/06/2010 06:18:19 AM 472 Views
Re: True Blood premiere! *spoilers* - 14/06/2010 01:28:50 PM 424 Views
It was a good episode - 14/06/2010 05:45:57 PM 418 Views
Re: True Blood premiere! *spoilers* - 14/06/2010 09:15:35 PM 491 Views
Re: True Blood premiere! *spoilers* - 15/06/2010 01:40:49 AM 407 Views
More of Natasha Alam's perfect rack!!! - 15/06/2010 01:34:36 AM 407 Views
haha - 15/06/2010 02:51:37 AM 447 Views

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