Active Users:408 Time:14/03/2025 02:38:55 PM
General Info from the Moderator: Update 10 - Edit 2

Before modification by Isaac at 10/04/2010 12:24:53 AM

This is General Info from the Moderator, subsequent threads may be posted under this heading. As before, the update counter at the top says which one I'm on, so you should keep an open eye for changes to that and look in on this message when it changes.

Update 10: 9 Apr - Have moved all the various links, logs, votes records and so on over to new thread, people can begin posting into the game any time they want now. Incidentally, although this may not always be the case, everyone got a 'dawn 2 message - name', and while I thoroughly check these many times before sending, on the off chance you ever get a message with someone else's name on it, don't open it and inform me. I can tell when someone opens a NB from me so if you've got the wrong info and leave it unopened, we can continue play with no harm no foul and I'll just peak to make sure it's unopened every so often until the game ends. This hasn't happened by the way, just general paranoia, but you can probably expect any message from me in the future to that isn't a direct reply to something you sent to have your name on it.

Update 9: 9 Apr - Okay, Fanatic-Templar has accepted sub for Napoleon, so he will be assuming that role, as mentioned, he doesn't IMO have any info from his previous role that could effect things but to avoid any mistakes or for that matter tactics implying he might have info, our subbing rule - which should be moot from this point on in the game I hope - includes a loose ban on discussing your previous role or asking people about their previous role if they've been subbed posthumously.

Link to previous Info and Updates on Day 1

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