Active Users:823 Time:12/03/2025 10:37:05 AM
I feel that nobles would still be expected to have class... Kronin al'Sulc Send a noteboard - 30/03/2010 02:01:51 AM
I figured that it would be easy for DFs to lie about their appearance so we don't recognize them during the Night. So I'll compile a list of all people mentioned by Isaac, and who (if anyone) they correspond to.

  • Fat man in red and gold with many rings
  • A women dressed in black with black hair - ranagrande
  • Red-headed woman in a green riding dress
  • Older man in gray with a sword on his hip
  • Andoran
  • Saldaean, probably not a noble (clean nails with a dagger)

  • Or at least proficient with a blade, so I wouldn't be surprised to see them cleaning their nails with a dagger. They're not some sissy southlander noble after all :P.
    At last, I have an apostrophe!

    Foil fencers Dance the Spears. Or, at least, the foils.

    Too stubborn to remove that extraneous *MySmiley*

    ~The Decapitator~
    Reply to message
    Game 16, Day 1: In the Manor of Mad Muad (Ended) - 25/03/2010 12:50:23 AM 22652 Views
    General Info from the Moderator - Update 8 - 25/03/2010 12:50:48 AM 12278 Views
    Rules and basic guidance - 25/03/2010 02:40:12 AM 2025 Views
    The Official Vote Count - Lynch - 29/03/2010 06:33:44 AM 2087 Views
    Chair and Advocate Vote Record - 31/03/2010 06:19:56 AM 1900 Views
    Inactivity Tracker - VNTL: 9 - 29/03/2010 06:27:39 AM 1914 Views
    Isaac: Active *NM* - 29/03/2010 06:29:06 AM 1131 Views
    Artsapat: Active *NM* - 29/03/2010 08:15:01 AM 1009 Views
    BlackAdder: Active *NM* - 29/03/2010 08:20:14 AM 1140 Views
    beetnemesis: Active *NM* - 29/03/2010 05:09:10 PM 1108 Views
    Gher: Active *NM* - 29/03/2010 05:48:15 PM 1052 Views
    Hobo: Active *NM* - 29/03/2010 06:23:04 PM 1106 Views
    White Flame- Active *NM* - 29/03/2010 06:59:33 PM 1132 Views
    Yunalesca : Active *NM* - 29/03/2010 07:28:06 PM 1108 Views
    I assume your times are in WST RAFOST WST. *NM* - 29/03/2010 07:36:34 PM 1148 Views
    This needs to be done. - 25/03/2010 02:50:28 AM 1741 Views
    Denied - 25/03/2010 03:05:30 AM 1926 Views
    Vote: Isaac - 25/03/2010 03:13:23 AM 1822 Views
    Hey, I brought up your point, at least. - 25/03/2010 03:21:45 AM 1710 Views
    Actually, I would like to go off on a semi-tangent on that. - 25/03/2010 03:48:44 AM 1659 Views
    It was about Isaac's ridiculous 'lie' witch hunt. - 25/03/2010 03:56:13 AM 1897 Views
    Ahh, so you're not going to volunteer to be our Day 1 lynchee again? *NM* - 25/03/2010 04:22:07 AM 1121 Views
    As the old saying goes... - 25/03/2010 04:31:29 AM 1982 Views
    ROFL *NM* - 25/03/2010 12:39:23 PM 1117 Views
    I'm still annoyed my valient, yet unsuccessful, defense impressed no one. - 25/03/2010 06:08:36 AM 1647 Views
    I can't fault you - 25/03/2010 06:32:40 AM 1823 Views
    Hm... I think I just thought of a new Role: Spirit Medium - 25/03/2010 07:52:23 AM 1729 Views
    That could actually be really cool, if done properly. *NM* - 25/03/2010 10:03:44 AM 1165 Views
    Yes, and make the Spirit Medium a DF lol *NM* - 25/03/2010 08:01:21 PM 1037 Views
    I believed you all along! - 25/03/2010 11:41:58 AM 1829 Views
    Ha! Indeed . *NM* - 25/03/2010 04:57:06 PM 1111 Views
    Hey! - 25/03/2010 03:38:50 AM 1776 Views
    *Cough* - 25/03/2010 04:14:31 AM 1913 Views
    Yeah, amulet's gotta be a cop of some sort - 25/03/2010 06:14:28 AM 1784 Views
    Yes, there was a Sheriff in the first game Isaac modded. - 25/03/2010 06:36:21 AM 1773 Views
    What says the amulet does anything at all? - 25/03/2010 12:56:14 PM 1715 Views
    I'll answer that question with another question. - 25/03/2010 01:48:27 PM 1780 Views
    Re: I'll answer that question with another question. - 25/03/2010 02:26:26 PM 1816 Views
    *sips ale* - 25/03/2010 02:00:22 PM 1743 Views
    You mean like when he found that "Power wrought" sword? - 25/03/2010 02:24:00 PM 1779 Views
    Re: You mean like when he found that "Power wrought" sword? - 25/03/2010 02:54:26 PM 1758 Views
    Seems like both Amys and Artsapat have met him before. - 25/03/2010 02:59:26 PM 1587 Views
    Does he not know you? - 25/03/2010 05:03:47 PM 1828 Views
    Re: You mean like when he found that "Power wrought" sword? - 25/03/2010 04:17:38 PM 1803 Views
    Re: You mean like when he found that "Power wrought" sword? - 26/03/2010 06:32:44 PM 1779 Views
    Re: *sips ale* - 25/03/2010 02:46:26 PM 1748 Views
    Hmmmm - 26/03/2010 01:43:06 AM 1816 Views
    Ah, a common misconception actually - 26/03/2010 02:11:54 AM 1807 Views
    Best Answer Ever! *NM* - 26/03/2010 02:30:32 AM 1071 Views
    Re: The servants not being shocked - 25/03/2010 03:34:27 PM 1766 Views
    Re: The servants not being shocked - 26/03/2010 05:15:13 AM 1689 Views
    Re: *Cough* - 25/03/2010 06:57:32 AM 1664 Views
    Ooh... amulet wearer could flip after say, 2 nights? - 25/03/2010 07:31:10 AM 1705 Views
    That's what I was thinking. It would certainly be bad. *NM* - 25/03/2010 10:01:35 AM 1112 Views
    Re: Ooh... amulet wearer could flip after say, 2 nights? - 25/03/2010 12:53:21 PM 1740 Views
    Probably not from Shadar Logoth - 25/03/2010 03:24:55 PM 1665 Views
    Re: Probably not from Shadar Logoth - 25/03/2010 04:23:24 PM 1777 Views
    Multiple Darkfriend factions seem improbable. - 25/03/2010 05:09:43 PM 1817 Views
    Multiple Darkfriend factions seem improbable. - 25/03/2010 05:09:44 PM 1660 Views
    Re: Multiple Darkfriend factions seem improbable. - 25/03/2010 05:54:42 PM 1725 Views
    Agreed. But multiple factions are very possible. - 25/03/2010 06:36:18 PM 1768 Views
    I don't know - 25/03/2010 08:17:18 PM 1771 Views
    i wouldn't count that out - 25/03/2010 04:34:47 PM 1839 Views
    Ok! When it rains, it pours. - 25/03/2010 07:29:16 AM 1634 Views
    Another flavor question... - 25/03/2010 03:45:48 PM 1796 Views
    Maud's faking, and the guards think he's ridiculous? - 25/03/2010 04:14:58 PM 1691 Views
    OK, faking makes sense, but the reasons are unclear - 25/03/2010 08:19:16 PM 1801 Views
    Well, even Isaac refers to him as "Mad Muad"; all the more reason to keep an eye on him. *NM* - 25/03/2010 10:01:23 PM 1075 Views
    I like the eccentric billionaire hypothesis. - 26/03/2010 12:31:26 AM 1806 Views
    I am looking forward to lunch! *NM* - 25/03/2010 11:53:50 AM 1038 Views
    Anyone notice how slow the conversation is without Isaac? *NM* - 25/03/2010 12:20:28 PM 1007 Views
    I would say it's slow at all, yet - 25/03/2010 12:50:34 PM 1701 Views
    I'm pretty psyched about all this activity. Wooo!!! - 25/03/2010 06:09:53 PM 1865 Views
    A helpful link for New Players - 25/03/2010 03:31:28 PM 1714 Views
    I think we're skirting around the best thing to think about: role messages - 25/03/2010 04:24:29 PM 1676 Views
    I am an Arafellin - 25/03/2010 05:16:13 PM 1902 Views
    Ebou Dar, born and raised. - 25/03/2010 06:40:31 PM 1803 Views
    FT, jumping right in! I like it. - 25/03/2010 06:48:55 PM 1797 Views
    Hmph - 25/03/2010 10:33:47 PM 1761 Views
    EBWOP - 25/03/2010 10:37:33 PM 1696 Views
    FT was the first to respond to the nationality question *NM* - 26/03/2010 12:17:48 AM 1056 Views
    What change? *NM* - 26/03/2010 12:32:09 AM 1123 Views
    This one... - 26/03/2010 12:40:32 AM 1767 Views
    It's good to start with general, unimportant things, I think - 26/03/2010 12:41:45 AM 1611 Views
    - 26/03/2010 03:19:13 PM 1648 Views
    I hail from Andor... - 25/03/2010 07:03:03 PM 1878 Views
    I'm a soldier from the France of WoT -- Cairhien - 25/03/2010 08:29:34 PM 1763 Views
    What's with the quotes? - 29/03/2010 07:11:23 PM 1763 Views
    Re: What's with the quotes? - 29/03/2010 08:10:10 PM 1795 Views
    The French. *NM* - 29/03/2010 08:26:27 PM 1059 Views
    Mine doesn't say. - 25/03/2010 09:00:26 PM 1538 Views
    Are you an Aiel? *NM* - 25/03/2010 09:07:08 PM 1044 Views
    I am not. I know that much. *NM* - 25/03/2010 10:52:03 PM 1024 Views
    Hi. - 25/03/2010 09:12:38 PM 1962 Views
    Howdy - 25/03/2010 10:53:11 PM 1726 Views
    Are you sure it doesn't say? - 25/03/2010 11:16:01 PM 1688 Views
    I searched for it. It does not say where I am from. *NM* - 25/03/2010 11:18:01 PM 1047 Views
    This is just reminding me of the whole black/white light incident. - 25/03/2010 11:30:06 PM 1740 Views
    That was actually me.... *NM* - 25/03/2010 11:32:04 PM 1064 Views
    I remember that.... - 25/03/2010 11:34:19 PM 1715 Views
    HAHAHA. - 25/03/2010 11:44:33 PM 1869 Views
    I'm a Shienaran - 25/03/2010 09:06:17 PM 1736 Views
    I'm a Malkieri, though I now hail from Sheinar. *NM* - 25/03/2010 09:14:45 PM 1072 Views
    I do be an illianer - 25/03/2010 10:10:24 PM 1868 Views
    i'm from Saladea - 25/03/2010 10:38:07 PM 1909 Views
    I'm saldaean - 25/03/2010 11:14:40 PM 1674 Views
    I'm Tarien. - 26/03/2010 12:14:17 AM 1692 Views
    I'm a Kandorian - 26/03/2010 12:14:46 AM 1790 Views
    EBWOP - 26/03/2010 12:15:40 AM 1712 Views
    Re: EBWOP - 26/03/2010 12:52:06 AM 1688 Views
    eh, no worries. i misspelled my country too *NM* - 26/03/2010 12:54:14 AM 1057 Views
    I grew up as a tinker *NM* - 26/03/2010 01:09:09 AM 1071 Views
    This implies you're not a tinker now? Yes? *NM* - 26/03/2010 05:11:38 AM 1026 Views
    I'm Saldaean. *NM* - 26/03/2010 05:34:30 AM 1162 Views
    I am from Lugard *NM* - 26/03/2010 07:23:15 AM 1553 Views
    Re: Game 16, Day 1: In the Manor of Mad Muad *NM* - 25/03/2010 10:19:22 PM 1044 Views
    I agree wholeheartedly. *NM* - 25/03/2010 11:03:51 PM 1054 Views
    Weird. Dunno where that came from *NM* - 26/03/2010 12:44:14 AM 1147 Views
    RBIRL - 26/03/2010 12:16:40 AM 1852 Views
    Well, some small supiciousness... - 26/03/2010 01:28:20 AM 1823 Views
    Re: Well, some small supiciousness... - 26/03/2010 01:41:52 AM 1710 Views
    See my post above - 26/03/2010 03:03:18 AM 1672 Views
    Re: Well, some small supiciousness... - 26/03/2010 05:34:33 AM 1740 Views
    Re: Well, some small supiciousness... - 28/03/2010 12:27:56 AM 1778 Views
    Re: Well, some small supiciousness... - 28/03/2010 08:37:03 AM 1859 Views
    wait, how is that suspicous - 26/03/2010 02:33:15 AM 1754 Views
    Same here *NM* - 26/03/2010 05:21:10 AM 1052 Views
    Thinking about it some more... - 28/03/2010 12:32:20 AM 1677 Views
    RBIRL - 26/03/2010 02:06:43 AM 1758 Views
    Re: RBIRL - 26/03/2010 05:22:25 AM 1610 Views
    I think we should have some kind of RBIRL thread outside this main thread - 26/03/2010 10:49:12 PM 1751 Views
    I don't agree - 26/03/2010 10:56:22 PM 1690 Views
    Me neither. *NM* - 26/03/2010 11:26:29 PM 1053 Views
    I also disagree - 27/03/2010 03:21:03 AM 1747 Views
    That was my idea a while back... - 26/03/2010 11:08:04 PM 1785 Views
    Not outside of this thread, but maybe up top Isaac could put an Activity thread under his General - 27/03/2010 12:07:13 AM 1597 Views
    Yeah, maybe - 27/03/2010 05:07:32 AM 1777 Views
    RSIRL - 27/03/2010 05:53:01 AM 1741 Views
    The game I mean, not the feeling sick. *NM* - 27/03/2010 05:53:52 AM 1051 Views
    A lot better now. I am up-to-date on all that's been said. *NM* - 28/03/2010 08:37:52 AM 1036 Views
    I've returned. I've kinda read over most of it. *NM* - 27/03/2010 02:20:16 PM 973 Views
    Origin Chart (Table) - 26/03/2010 06:00:15 AM 1788 Views
    Banker. *NM* - 26/03/2010 04:27:41 PM 1033 Views
    Where from? *NM* - 26/03/2010 08:26:28 PM 1021 Views
    Re: Origin Chart - 26/03/2010 06:31:01 PM 1760 Views
    Re: Origin Chart - 26/03/2010 07:20:07 PM 1678 Views
    Hah, thanks- I was editing from a Blackberry - 27/03/2010 07:00:59 PM 1696 Views
    What? Your Blackberry doesn't have Cairhienin in the spell checker? - 28/03/2010 08:50:13 AM 1778 Views
    Re: Origin Chart - needs to read "Origin Chart (Table)" - 31/03/2010 03:29:48 AM 1765 Views
    Let's quickly go over this point: - 26/03/2010 07:17:24 PM 1853 Views
    Sounds right to me - 27/03/2010 07:07:49 PM 1890 Views
    Let us concentrate on the threat we know of before being distracted by ghosts, shall we? *NM* - 27/03/2010 09:52:50 PM 1043 Views
    It's all part of the same, in my opinion - 27/03/2010 11:39:56 PM 1763 Views
    I almost think it's kind of a moot point at this stage. - 29/03/2010 03:03:35 PM 1728 Views
    So Muad Cheade is a real character from the books, not made up. - 26/03/2010 07:31:33 PM 1480 Views
    To add to this - 26/03/2010 07:33:44 PM 1604 Views
    Oh man, that's one of my favorite lines! - 26/03/2010 08:25:59 PM 1771 Views
    soooooo - 27/03/2010 08:53:56 PM 1838 Views
    Well, I brought up a topic above that only beet replied to. - 27/03/2010 09:09:13 PM 1819 Views
    Re: Well, I brought up a topic above that only beet replied to. - 27/03/2010 09:43:11 PM 1758 Views
    well, this is day 1 *NM* - 27/03/2010 10:00:51 PM 1096 Views
    I know - 27/03/2010 10:54:26 PM 1758 Views
    Actually, IIRC, this is the second time he's done this. - 27/03/2010 10:04:19 PM 1727 Views
    Re: Actually, IIRC, this is the second time he's done this. - 28/03/2010 03:42:29 AM 1683 Views
    Thanks *NM* - 28/03/2010 03:51:19 AM 1027 Views
    Re: Actually, IIRC, this is the second time he's done this. - 28/03/2010 04:01:45 AM 1803 Views
    If he was a DF, he'd probably have posted at least once - 27/03/2010 10:09:59 PM 1685 Views
    Re: If he was a DF, he'd probably have posted at least once - 27/03/2010 10:51:46 PM 1777 Views
    No clue. It's something new Isaac's doing - 28/03/2010 12:43:10 AM 1541 Views
    Could this lunch mean - 28/03/2010 08:45:54 AM 1800 Views
    Doubt it. - 28/03/2010 06:59:40 PM 1779 Views
    I agree... - 27/03/2010 10:38:48 PM 1732 Views
    :o - 28/03/2010 02:35:50 AM 1753 Views
    you're kidding right - 28/03/2010 03:02:40 AM 1733 Views
    Re: you're kidding right - 28/03/2010 03:19:18 AM 1711 Views
    Re: you're kidding right - 28/03/2010 03:50:25 AM 1697 Views
    There seem to be quite a few "minor nobles,"... - 28/03/2010 04:08:36 AM 1790 Views
    Isn't Muad himself a Saldaean? - 28/03/2010 04:09:05 AM 1615 Views
    Yes, it seems that at least half here are Borderlanders - 28/03/2010 04:13:01 AM 1676 Views
    I would bet yes. *NM* - 29/03/2010 03:11:48 PM 1053 Views
    How does that work? - 28/03/2010 08:48:49 AM 1736 Views
    Re: How does that work? - 28/03/2010 08:33:21 PM 1889 Views
    Re: How does that work? - 28/03/2010 10:59:53 PM 1796 Views
    i feel obligated to point this out - 28/03/2010 11:26:29 PM 1885 Views
    You misunderstand. - 29/03/2010 12:02:39 AM 1804 Views
    i get your point - 29/03/2010 12:30:58 AM 1744 Views
    Words, not deeds, then? *NM* - 29/03/2010 01:39:15 AM 1025 Views
    In some cases, the timing can be everything. - 29/03/2010 02:10:41 AM 1943 Views
    Re: You misunderstand. - 29/03/2010 03:10:27 AM 1688 Views
    About Amys... - 28/03/2010 07:50:41 AM 1670 Views
    I'm always in favor of lynching the non-participants *NM* - 27/03/2010 11:38:30 PM 1050 Views
    Well, why not? I'll go down the list and give my impressions of everyone. - 28/03/2010 03:59:19 AM 1746 Views
    The Shienarans do not know each other as far as I can tell *NM* - 28/03/2010 04:13:30 AM 1025 Views
    Huh... - 28/03/2010 07:59:49 AM 1817 Views
    Re: Huh... - 28/03/2010 08:47:12 AM 1677 Views
    Not really. - 28/03/2010 05:47:18 PM 1748 Views
    Re: Huh... - 28/03/2010 09:01:22 AM 1778 Views
    That is an evil thing for a Mod to do, and not boring at all. - 28/03/2010 06:57:07 PM 1705 Views
    There are Darkfriends here. - 28/03/2010 08:14:45 PM 1747 Views
    I repeat a thousand times, there are Darkfriends - 29/03/2010 05:56:03 PM 1811 Views
    Remind me never to play in a game you mod again. *NM* - 29/03/2010 06:12:51 PM 1106 Views
    Hey! - 29/03/2010 09:32:25 PM 1770 Views
    Lol I totally considered that as a possibility for all the freakiness!! - 29/03/2010 11:07:55 PM 1700 Views
    Yeah, changing the basic assumptions of the game can cause trouble... - 29/03/2010 11:46:17 PM 1763 Views
    my thoughts - 28/03/2010 01:56:43 PM 1620 Views
    A minor point - 28/03/2010 03:58:24 PM 1642 Views
    Once again, I'm back. What the hELL is going on? *NM* - 28/03/2010 05:06:10 AM 1105 Views
    Yes, yes, I read you the first time. *NM* - 28/03/2010 05:25:20 AM 986 Views
    Read and find out. *NM* - 28/03/2010 05:56:57 AM 1045 Views
    You just made my day. *NM* - 28/03/2010 12:17:09 PM 1130 Views
    Ok, some thoughts: - 28/03/2010 06:48:55 PM 1801 Views
    Re: Ok, some thoughts: - 28/03/2010 06:58:21 PM 1852 Views
    Re: Ok, some thoughts: - 29/03/2010 01:37:28 AM 1773 Views
    All right, I re-read my Role Message, again - 28/03/2010 07:08:59 PM 1762 Views
    Fair enough. - 29/03/2010 02:01:14 AM 1848 Views
    Okay, I need 3 numbers... thank you - 28/03/2010 08:36:22 PM 1657 Views
    5 *NM* - 28/03/2010 08:42:02 PM 1069 Views
    14 *NM* - 28/03/2010 08:43:58 PM 1090 Views
    12 *NM* - 28/03/2010 08:45:26 PM 1070 Views
    Do we ever find out what these numbers were for? *NM* - 29/03/2010 09:22:36 PM 1027 Views
    I guess I'll feed the dogs some. - 28/03/2010 08:40:26 PM 1744 Views
    I'm gonna post a semi-busy IRL - 28/03/2010 08:48:22 PM 1800 Views
    General Notes on RBIRL and VNTL - 29/03/2010 02:13:05 AM 1761 Views
    Re: General Notes on RBIRL and VNTL - 29/03/2010 03:20:35 AM 1571 Views
    Re: General Notes on RBIRL and VNTL - 29/03/2010 04:55:55 AM 1861 Views
    Re: General Notes on RBIRL and VNTL - 29/03/2010 07:55:33 AM 1755 Views
    Re: General Notes on RBIRL and VNTL - 29/03/2010 08:42:45 AM 1760 Views
    I assume this does not replace modkills for inactivity? - 29/03/2010 03:57:15 AM 1702 Views
    Nope - 29/03/2010 04:35:06 AM 1759 Views
    VTNL in LyLo situations - 29/03/2010 06:11:41 PM 1814 Views
    So, Talic, what do you mean by "former" Tinker? - 29/03/2010 05:08:58 AM 1825 Views
    Event: Lunch Interlude - 29/03/2010 06:12:01 AM 1830 Views
    OK, so lets discuss this... - 29/03/2010 08:18:46 AM 1726 Views
    I think I would not want to elect either one - 29/03/2010 12:55:55 PM 1689 Views
    I agree. - 29/03/2010 05:58:54 PM 1792 Views
    Yes, we should definitely use the Chair role. - 29/03/2010 06:03:45 PM 1782 Views
    I wouldn't mind electing them - 29/03/2010 06:40:57 PM 1791 Views
    That's a good point - 30/03/2010 12:00:57 AM 1944 Views
    I like the idea of the Chair role - 29/03/2010 07:15:03 PM 1571 Views
    Who says they can't be the same? *NM* - 29/03/2010 07:35:06 PM 1052 Views
    Me? - 29/03/2010 09:07:09 PM 1762 Views
    The persons at our lunch table - 29/03/2010 09:16:29 AM 1740 Views
    Re: The persons at our lunch table - 29/03/2010 10:59:03 AM 1632 Views
    A couple of things... - 29/03/2010 11:03:25 AM 1773 Views
    It was probably more to stop us from making assumptions - 29/03/2010 05:19:39 PM 1854 Views
    Yup, that was all me. *NM* - 29/03/2010 05:25:48 PM 1036 Views
    Let's all just share our descriptions, shall we? - 29/03/2010 12:47:39 PM 1699 Views
    On that note. - 29/03/2010 04:57:19 PM 1762 Views
    Descriptions are probably random if they are not flavor-appropriate. - 29/03/2010 06:24:15 PM 1714 Views
    I love tropes. Let's gp with it the first vote - 29/03/2010 06:46:21 PM 1777 Views
    Yea, I don't use smileys often. - 29/03/2010 07:14:20 PM 1724 Views
    That's a good idea, actually - 29/03/2010 05:24:07 PM 1700 Views
    Sidenote: I'm still updating the "Origin" chart with the info you guts post. - 29/03/2010 05:25:58 PM 1662 Views
    Well, you forgot to note my nationality. - 29/03/2010 05:57:44 PM 1789 Views
    Male, older, blond-grey hair, blue eyed and wearing blue. *NM* - 29/03/2010 06:34:49 PM 1049 Views
    Female, older, dark brown hair and eyes. *NM* - 29/03/2010 08:30:02 PM 1010 Views
    I'm more than likely that Saldaean with the dagger. - 29/03/2010 09:12:32 PM 1795 Views
    blonde hair, brown eyes, and I like to wear green *NM* - 29/03/2010 09:16:25 PM 1044 Views
    I'm the redhead in green dress. - 29/03/2010 09:41:43 PM 1788 Views
    Wearing black, dark brown hair in a kadori, green eyes. *NM* - 30/03/2010 01:59:01 AM 1094 Views
    Wait - 29/03/2010 06:06:06 PM 1856 Views
    EBWOP: I ought to read all the posts before I start posting, shouldn't I? - 29/03/2010 06:15:09 PM 1744 Views
    *Looks down* - 29/03/2010 06:30:30 PM 1720 Views
    Yeah sorry, I really should read all the posts before I post. - 29/03/2010 08:04:15 PM 1723 Views
    Isaac: Can our vote to elect people to Chair and Advocate be unvoted? Or is it binding? - 29/03/2010 06:43:01 PM 1696 Views
    Apparently not. - 29/03/2010 07:38:45 PM 1754 Views
    If they're not binding, I'm just about ready to cast two random votes - 29/03/2010 09:42:06 PM 1795 Views
    They are binding, since a majority in unnecessary... - 29/03/2010 10:03:35 PM 1506 Views
    Does it even matter right now? Let's just lynch someone and worry about it later... - 29/03/2010 10:07:42 PM 1738 Views
    Re: Does it even matter right now? Let's just lynch someone and worry about it later... - 29/03/2010 10:11:04 PM 1818 Views
    If none else has more by a deadline? - 30/03/2010 02:08:52 AM 1632 Views
    Covered that in the rules - 30/03/2010 02:24:15 AM 1616 Views
    What if - 30/03/2010 02:47:22 AM 1648 Views
    This is also already covered in the rules - 30/03/2010 03:15:36 AM 1745 Views
    Chair Vote: Fanatic Templar - Advocate Vote: White Flame of Tar Valon - 30/03/2010 08:19:25 AM 1813 Views
    I have a proposal. I think we can assume Hieshyn's been modkilled, - 29/03/2010 05:38:31 PM 1758 Views
    Let's not get too caught up in descriptions - 29/03/2010 06:31:02 PM 1721 Views
    Hah. That would suck, but I guess it's possible. - 29/03/2010 07:23:19 PM 1704 Views
    on a slightly more benign note - 29/03/2010 07:25:15 PM 1905 Views
    EBWOP - 29/03/2010 07:31:46 PM 1730 Views
    Exactly. - 29/03/2010 09:37:43 PM 1711 Views
    Note that a lot of descriptions.... - 30/03/2010 02:07:46 AM 1836 Views
    Yep. *NM* - 30/03/2010 02:18:54 AM 1087 Views
    List of Mod-Mentioned Appearances (Table) - 29/03/2010 06:04:27 PM 1815 Views
    The fat man in red and gold is Illianer, too (fistofpain - 29/03/2010 08:30:53 PM 1641 Views
    I'm putting people on the list when their description matches the mod's. - 30/03/2010 01:59:49 AM 1740 Views
    Saldean nobles are still soldiers - 29/03/2010 09:41:06 PM 1757 Views
    Re: Saldean nobles are still soldiers - 29/03/2010 10:08:54 PM 1785 Views
    I feel that nobles would still be expected to have class... - 30/03/2010 02:01:51 AM 1806 Views
    I have just found out that I am in fact not the man cleaning my nails with the dagger - 30/03/2010 04:31:43 AM 1822 Views
    So it's Bergioyn then, since Yunalesca is a nobleWOman. Good to know... *NM* - 30/03/2010 04:33:41 AM 1041 Views
    But Bergioyn is the redhead. *NM* - 30/03/2010 04:50:24 AM 1035 Views
    O_o - 30/03/2010 05:38:38 AM 1993 Views
    Oh now, that is interesting. - 30/03/2010 07:03:43 AM 1731 Views
    Well, I don't think isaac really made a mistake, since I got the NB from him. - 30/03/2010 08:35:49 PM 1817 Views
    It might be someone else, of course. - 30/03/2010 07:07:34 AM 1680 Views
    Hmm, yes, that's also possible. - 30/03/2010 08:48:36 AM 1719 Views
    *NM* - 30/03/2010 07:32:29 AM 996 Views
    just so you know - 29/03/2010 10:18:58 PM 1747 Views
    Re: List of Mod-Mentioned Appearances (Table) *NM* - 30/03/2010 02:00:43 AM 1060 Views
    Dammit, I did it again. *NM* - 30/03/2010 02:00:57 AM 1064 Views
    Candidates for Chair and Advocate - 30/03/2010 12:05:01 AM 1741 Views
    Why those two? *NM* - 30/03/2010 12:27:52 AM 1070 Views
    At this point, a better question might be "why NOT those two?" *NM* - 30/03/2010 12:38:49 AM 1062 Views
    Yeah, I'll do it. - 30/03/2010 02:30:28 AM 1724 Views
    Weren't you the deputy also? *NM* - 30/03/2010 02:37:10 AM 1035 Views
    Yep. *NM* - 30/03/2010 03:29:34 AM 1068 Views
    Re: Candidates for Chair and Advocate - 30/03/2010 02:33:52 AM 1787 Views
    Isaac, can we vote No-Chair and No-Advocate like we can vote No-Lynch? *NM* - 30/03/2010 09:22:55 PM 1066 Views
    No, It's not a majority vote *NM* - 31/03/2010 12:34:24 AM 1028 Views
    Okay, I got a little busy, but I'm here. - 30/03/2010 03:15:51 AM 1796 Views
    Alright, you sound like that dude from the interlude. I'm putting you on. *NM* - 30/03/2010 03:21:41 AM 1016 Views
    Wow, how did I miss this? - 31/03/2010 08:13:59 PM 1725 Views
    so many choices - 30/03/2010 03:44:25 AM 1701 Views
    Re: so many choices - 30/03/2010 03:47:30 AM 1693 Views
    Mabye - 30/03/2010 04:54:58 AM 1741 Views
    I agree that while it would be bad for the DFs to get them. - 30/03/2010 05:39:52 AM 1675 Views
    A substitution will occur - 30/03/2010 01:53:48 PM 1818 Views
    So, no Modkill, but rather a replacement. - 30/03/2010 02:46:28 PM 1811 Views
    Most Likely - 30/03/2010 03:35:11 PM 1837 Views
    Hi guys - 01/04/2010 07:25:17 PM 1668 Views
    Thoughts on lynching? - 30/03/2010 08:57:21 PM 1630 Views
    ghost busters? - 30/03/2010 09:37:46 PM 1747 Views
    Hm. "Former Tinker" could be suspicious - 30/03/2010 11:19:44 PM 1906 Views
    That claim actually doesn't sound that good. - 31/03/2010 01:19:12 AM 1690 Views
    Yup. That's why I was hoping for an explanation... - 31/03/2010 01:27:13 AM 1757 Views
    Has he posted since you asked him? - 31/03/2010 01:57:00 AM 1811 Views
    EBWOP - 31/03/2010 02:02:26 AM 1733 Views
    Re: EBWOP - 31/03/2010 03:09:03 AM 1768 Views
    You can say "Who would be stupid enough to do that" - 31/03/2010 03:14:13 AM 1680 Views
    And Hobo said "dark" a few games back... - 31/03/2010 04:01:23 AM 1759 Views
    Re: You can say "Who would be stupid enough to do that" *NM* - 31/03/2010 04:51:00 AM 1075 Views
    And another experienced player... - 31/03/2010 04:53:40 AM 1775 Views
    You guys keep bringing that up.... - 31/03/2010 05:01:54 AM 1675 Views
    Now you know I feel . *NM* - 31/03/2010 05:16:14 AM 1031 Views
    Aram isn't the only former tinker in the books - 31/03/2010 01:58:45 AM 1666 Views
    I believe they may still consider themselves Tinkers. - 31/03/2010 02:53:43 AM 1803 Views
    yea but the AS training is so grueling - 31/03/2010 04:37:12 AM 1732 Views
    Nah. - 31/03/2010 05:14:15 AM 1666 Views
    Re: Thoughts on lynching? - 31/03/2010 04:53:09 AM 1761 Views
    My only "thought about it" suspect is Talic. As for gut feelings... - 31/03/2010 07:20:56 AM 1725 Views
    I have almost the same thoughts. - 31/03/2010 09:19:24 AM 1639 Views
    Advocate Vote: beetnemesis - 31/03/2010 08:03:23 PM 1692 Views
    Yeah, that was my main objective - 01/04/2010 11:19:37 PM 1671 Views
    Re: Yeah, that was my main objective - 02/04/2010 01:09:09 AM 1555 Views
    My reasons are as unchanging as they are flimsy - 02/04/2010 01:46:06 AM 1611 Views
    Substitution Made - Quick Summary of Game Events - 31/03/2010 08:39:08 AM 1731 Views
    Player overview (Table) - 31/03/2010 09:37:11 AM 1716 Views
    Not sure, but can I edit this table myself? - 31/03/2010 12:03:29 PM 1724 Views
    Yes *NM* - 31/03/2010 01:52:38 PM 997 Views
    I'm the cyclops. - 31/03/2010 08:07:54 PM 1874 Views
    When did we meet - 31/03/2010 09:52:00 PM 1701 Views
    Re: When did we meet - 31/03/2010 11:13:54 PM 1527 Views
    Re: When did we meet - 01/04/2010 09:39:14 AM 1499 Views
    RBIRL and votes - 31/03/2010 09:23:39 AM 1897 Views
    I might as well follow suit then (vote) - 31/03/2010 09:47:53 AM 1631 Views
    Re: RBIRL and votes - 31/03/2010 01:05:40 PM 1666 Views
    Plus, obviously if we KNOW someone's a DF, we'll lynch them - 31/03/2010 06:12:36 PM 1764 Views
    Exactly - 31/03/2010 09:31:36 PM 1720 Views
    Re: Exactly - 02/04/2010 02:01:27 AM 1722 Views
    Hypothetical scenario: - 02/04/2010 04:30:45 AM 1755 Views
    Thank you. That's hitting the nail on the head. *NM* - 02/04/2010 05:30:33 AM 1008 Views
    Hogwash, I say. - 02/04/2010 10:57:45 AM 1735 Views
    Re: Hogwash, I say. - 02/04/2010 02:53:59 PM 1780 Views
    The DFs aren't dumb though. It's naive to think they'll simply do the town's bidding. - 31/03/2010 09:43:04 PM 1541 Views
    Re: The DFs aren't dumb though. It's naive to think they'll simply do the town's bidding. - 31/03/2010 09:51:34 PM 1710 Views
    Plus, there's ALWAYS the chance of giving letting the DFs manipulate us - 31/03/2010 11:18:17 PM 1670 Views
    How is that a reason to give them the titles? *NM* - 02/04/2010 01:53:21 AM 987 Views
    Just a heads up in case Isaac feels like being a stickler. - 31/03/2010 03:04:58 PM 1634 Views
    So long as the intent is clear I'm happy - 31/03/2010 03:25:36 PM 1769 Views
    Chair Vote: Fanatic-Templar - 31/03/2010 08:09:53 PM 1797 Views
    Not sure what's up with the site - 01/04/2010 10:48:35 AM 1617 Views
    ah man I missed it *NM* - 02/04/2010 04:32:05 AM 1019 Views
    RBIRL - 01/04/2010 07:33:21 PM 1672 Views
    My/Hieshyn's nationality + description - 01/04/2010 09:42:47 PM 1719 Views
    Hmm... - 02/04/2010 01:30:48 AM 1774 Views
    Hm... well, we have three claimed Saldaeans - 02/04/2010 01:55:04 AM 1698 Views
    Re: Hm... well, we have three claimed Saldaeans - 02/04/2010 02:10:28 AM 1650 Views
    Doesn't sound like a cop. Probably a DF. - 02/04/2010 04:34:18 AM 1747 Views
    Re: Doesn't sound like a cop. Probably a DF. - 02/04/2010 05:28:21 AM 1661 Views
    979 NE, friends. No Asha'man here. - 02/04/2010 05:56:36 AM 1756 Views
    (it was just an example) - 02/04/2010 06:58:10 AM 1670 Views
    That would be EVIL. - 02/04/2010 07:02:13 AM 1643 Views
    - 04/04/2010 07:22:10 PM 1572 Views
    Re: My/Hieshyn's nationality + description - 03/04/2010 01:47:08 AM 1622 Views
    Re: My/Hieshyn's nationality + description - 03/04/2010 02:35:11 AM 1621 Views
    Vote: Blaine - 03/04/2010 03:48:04 AM 1651 Views
    Hahah, nice! Yup, let's lynch'em - 03/04/2010 04:28:33 AM 1580 Views
    Also, he said he was "born and raised in Amadecia" - 03/04/2010 04:30:57 AM 1659 Views
    Sadly, this is correct. - 03/04/2010 05:17:08 AM 1698 Views
    Well, that does seem to be a White Flame-sized hole. - 03/04/2010 05:18:58 AM 1722 Views
    Re: Well, that does seem to be a White Flame-sized hole. - 03/04/2010 08:33:42 AM 1720 Views
    Re: My/Hieshyn's nationality + description - 03/04/2010 05:36:09 AM 1786 Views
    Also, you just claimed to be a Whitecloak for basically no reason. *NM* - 03/04/2010 05:39:08 AM 1079 Views
    Besides the fact that it's the truth? - 03/04/2010 08:30:00 AM 1604 Views
    Hmm, I was under the assumption that the Whitecloak might have a role or something - 03/04/2010 09:12:14 AM 1657 Views
    Re: Hmm, I was under the assumption that the Whitecloak might have a role or something - 03/04/2010 09:22:24 AM 1499 Views
    Eh, not THAT strange - 03/04/2010 09:54:02 AM 1748 Views
    Re: Eh, not THAT strange - 03/04/2010 06:36:43 PM 1671 Views
    Fanatic-Templar and White Flame have been elected Chair and Advocate respectively - 02/04/2010 08:29:32 AM 1626 Views
    OK, can we kill someone now? - 02/04/2010 08:43:33 AM 1573 Views
    You could before - 02/04/2010 08:53:40 AM 1579 Views
    Oh, that wasn't a mod question - 02/04/2010 04:17:25 PM 1658 Views
    Ah... - 02/04/2010 04:29:12 PM 1678 Views
    I accept your challenge! - 02/04/2010 05:49:16 PM 1698 Views
    Which holidays are major US holidays? - 02/04/2010 08:43:41 AM 1747 Views
    Probably just Easter - 02/04/2010 09:15:30 AM 1557 Views
    Our voter turnout was pitiful... - 02/04/2010 11:02:49 AM 1668 Views
    i blame voter apathy stemming from IRL politics - 02/04/2010 12:36:13 PM 1507 Views
    Re: i blame voter apathy stemming from IRL politics - 03/04/2010 01:49:12 AM 1654 Views
    i blame voter apathy stemming from IRL politics - 02/04/2010 12:36:14 PM 1863 Views
    Well, I didn't really care that much - 02/04/2010 02:46:14 PM 1625 Views
    white on rice? i don't get it *NM* - 02/04/2010 04:37:17 PM 974 Views
    well you know that rice is white - 02/04/2010 05:48:13 PM 1682 Views
    not all rice is white tho - 02/04/2010 06:36:22 PM 1571 Views
    Vote: Talic - 02/04/2010 06:02:28 PM 1697 Views
    Re: Vote: Talic - 02/04/2010 08:11:34 PM 1691 Views
    EBWOP - 02/04/2010 08:15:04 PM 1543 Views
    The Saldaeans aren't neccessarily guilty - 02/04/2010 08:39:51 PM 1594 Views
    I agree - 03/04/2010 01:45:38 AM 1510 Views
    EBWOP - 03/04/2010 01:52:25 AM 1579 Views
    Aram did not turn out all that well. - 03/04/2010 01:50:26 AM 1601 Views
    So did Masema. And he was Shienar. As are you. Should I jump to a conclusion here? *NM* - 03/04/2010 01:53:56 AM 874 Views
    Well, technically, I'm Malkieri. - 03/04/2010 03:31:40 AM 1559 Views
    We know lots of Malkieri, and most are nothing special. *NM* - 03/04/2010 04:01:14 AM 906 Views
    And lots of Shienarians, too. - 03/04/2010 04:23:36 AM 1612 Views
    We know a few more Malkieri. - 03/04/2010 05:19:55 AM 1659 Views
    Oh, and Bukama. - 03/04/2010 05:23:14 AM 1666 Views
    Yeah, but Bukama's dead. - 03/04/2010 08:05:41 AM 1644 Views
    The Malkieri are all thieves and brigands anyway, remember? *NM* - 03/04/2010 08:09:30 AM 972 Views
    Time-wise I'm not sure Bukama or Ryne would be dead yet - 03/04/2010 08:51:34 AM 1745 Views
    Hah. I was thinking for us, as of The Gathering Storm . - 03/04/2010 09:34:13 AM 1635 Views
    Re: Well, technically, I'm Malkieri. - 03/04/2010 09:17:34 PM 1601 Views
    He jumped off the deep in end Knife of Dreams - 04/04/2010 05:43:07 AM 1624 Views
    That should be "the deep end in Knife of Dreams." *NM* - 04/04/2010 05:44:33 AM 903 Views
    This thread - 03/04/2010 06:28:13 AM 1755 Views
    How do you know that? *NM* - 03/04/2010 08:11:23 AM 933 Views
    I am a veritable fount of knowledge - 03/04/2010 08:23:59 AM 1673 Views
    We could post on the Commie Board to gloat . - 03/04/2010 09:37:38 AM 1809 Views
    Re: We could post on the Commie Board to gloat . - 03/04/2010 09:40:51 AM 1596 Views
    How many did the Scratch thread have? *NM* - 06/04/2010 03:30:28 AM 944 Views
    After they started spam hundred-posting? I don't really want to know. *NM* - 06/04/2010 06:00:01 AM 915 Views
    To clarify matters... - 03/04/2010 08:28:23 AM 1622 Views
    That's quite a credible story. - 03/04/2010 09:39:46 AM 1548 Views
    This does make sense. - 03/04/2010 05:11:17 PM 1668 Views
    Well, I'm not too sure. - 03/04/2010 07:54:19 PM 1566 Views
    Vote Table: 5 Apr, Monday 11:37 AM EST - 03/04/2010 09:48:46 AM 1665 Views
    Everyone! Let's kill Blaine! Hooray! - 03/04/2010 09:59:50 AM 1658 Views
    Actually, I'd like to hear from Talic before the day ends. Otherwise, I hope he is replaced/modkilld - 03/04/2010 10:25:59 AM 1485 Views
    Maybe replaced by Blaine? - 03/04/2010 11:10:48 AM 1656 Views
    I like this idea. *NM* - 03/04/2010 11:53:55 AM 902 Views
    On substitution - 03/04/2010 11:58:35 AM 1578 Views
    Re: On substitution - 03/04/2010 12:28:31 PM 1592 Views
    Re: On substitution - 03/04/2010 01:55:13 PM 1480 Views
    What the heck is a Tank-F? *NM* - 03/04/2010 06:29:02 PM 964 Views
    A protective screen for me and Ranagrande last game *NM* - 03/04/2010 06:40:44 PM 970 Views
    Tank-F: Two Apparent Night Kill Factions - 03/04/2010 06:50:16 PM 1501 Views
    Ah, I see. - 03/04/2010 09:38:59 PM 1433 Views
    Re: Ah, I see. - 03/04/2010 09:45:24 PM 1602 Views
    Haha nice. - 04/04/2010 03:45:18 AM 1825 Views
    Hah - 03/04/2010 06:42:27 PM 1601 Views
    You can edit them out if you want though - 03/04/2010 06:52:38 PM 1534 Views
    Internet has been down - 03/04/2010 03:46:14 PM 1614 Views
    Ok, I'm caught up and.... - 03/04/2010 05:41:11 PM 1633 Views
    Isaac seems to like redheads. I approve. *NM* - 03/04/2010 05:47:18 PM 869 Views
    Give me a pale redhead over a tanned blonde any day *NM* - 03/04/2010 06:17:42 PM 944 Views
    Agree - 04/04/2010 03:38:38 PM 1459 Views
    anyone else feeling slightly confused? *NM* - 03/04/2010 09:14:32 PM 948 Views
    Yes ma'am - 03/04/2010 09:26:27 PM 1607 Views
    don't call me ma'am, i am a miss. - 03/04/2010 10:22:37 PM 1519 Views
    And I am a damoiseau . - 04/04/2010 12:09:04 AM 1438 Views
    So can I then finally put you down as a woman? - 04/04/2010 03:40:29 PM 1545 Views
    Damoiseau is male - 04/04/2010 06:28:05 PM 1634 Views
    Damn, it's getting confusing - 04/04/2010 06:52:24 PM 1560 Views
    Indeed! *NM* - 04/04/2010 07:11:32 PM 935 Views
    Woah... - 03/04/2010 09:54:54 PM 1595 Views
    as long as a peice of string - 03/04/2010 10:20:46 PM 1668 Views
    Re: Woah... - 03/04/2010 11:03:46 PM 1395 Views
    What's suspicious about Saldaean nobles? - 04/04/2010 12:04:14 AM 1699 Views
    Re: What's suspicious about Saldaean nobles? - 04/04/2010 12:41:44 AM 1697 Views
    Re: Woah... - 04/04/2010 10:00:48 AM 1511 Views
    Completely. - 05/04/2010 08:23:50 PM 1679 Views
    So what can I do to alleviate your suspicions ? - 04/04/2010 03:44:11 AM 1576 Views
    Re: So what can I do to alleviate your suspicions ? - 04/04/2010 04:16:44 AM 1542 Views
    Re: So what can I do to alleviate your suspicions ? - 04/04/2010 09:26:25 AM 1630 Views
    I'm in agreement with Fox here. I'll not vote for you yet. - 04/04/2010 10:06:30 AM 1520 Views
    Okay, catching up ... - 04/04/2010 05:24:25 AM 1569 Views
    Grrr. Ok, here are my thoughts (in short, kill him) - 04/04/2010 07:32:56 AM 1759 Views
    Blaine already roleclaimed - 04/04/2010 07:51:33 AM 1611 Views
    What? What tone? - 04/04/2010 08:37:22 AM 1648 Views
    You come across as more than a little bloodthirsty sometimes. *NM* - 05/04/2010 04:17:36 AM 896 Views
    Bloooooooooood - 05/04/2010 05:49:00 AM 1691 Views
    Re: Bloooooooooood - 05/04/2010 08:35:32 AM 1648 Views
    Even if he is a Darkfriend, it's a simple mistake. - 04/04/2010 08:08:36 AM 1562 Views
    Hm. I suppose... - 04/04/2010 08:41:24 AM 1507 Views
    Re: Even if he is a Darkfriend, it's a simple mistake. - 04/04/2010 08:45:33 AM 1490 Views
    Enough of this nonsense. - 04/04/2010 06:22:51 PM 1619 Views
    I agree (and RBIRL update) - 04/04/2010 08:28:26 PM 1665 Views
    Wooooaaahhh!! - 05/04/2010 02:16:01 AM 1628 Views
    But we can't know that. - 04/04/2010 06:32:16 PM 1520 Views
    Re: But we can't know that. - 04/04/2010 08:58:43 PM 1641 Views
    No, I don't believe that, but this has, again, nothing to do with my beliefs. - 05/04/2010 02:33:29 AM 1548 Views
    So, for clarification: Blaine's caught in a lie, therefore he dies- end of story? - 05/04/2010 02:42:16 AM 1759 Views
    Pretty much it, yes. - 05/04/2010 02:59:01 AM 1587 Views
    Right. So, the Aiel never actually attacked Amadecia - 05/04/2010 05:38:51 AM 1427 Views
    I think I agree - 06/04/2010 11:36:38 PM 1651 Views
    Re: Even if he is a Darkfriend, it's a simple mistake. - 04/04/2010 07:59:34 PM 1650 Views
    Vote: Fox and Ravens - 04/04/2010 07:53:58 PM 1719 Views
    Re: Vote: Fox and Ravens - 05/04/2010 01:58:17 AM 1741 Views
    I feel like people are reading a lot more into that than they should - 05/04/2010 02:25:49 AM 1473 Views
    Oh, I don't really think he was trying to nefariously manipulate the town. - 05/04/2010 02:57:47 AM 1590 Views
    Don't forget we have a ton of people - 05/04/2010 07:43:40 AM 1523 Views
    I think we're getting some weird mixups in votes here. - 05/04/2010 04:27:28 PM 1572 Views
    "Chair Vote" is FT's second vote. *NM* - 05/04/2010 05:04:13 PM 917 Views
    You're right, of course - 05/04/2010 06:08:03 PM 1422 Views
    Re: I think we're getting some weird mixups in votes here. - 05/04/2010 05:13:23 PM 1560 Views
    Re: I think we're getting some weird mixups in votes here. - 05/04/2010 06:30:00 PM 1561 Views
    The game is only months after the Aiel War. *NM* - 05/04/2010 06:49:49 PM 862 Views
    Eh. I feel Talic's situation at least makes sense - 05/04/2010 07:03:17 PM 1486 Views
    Well if he's an Aes Sedai, he can't lie. Three Oaths, etc. (unless they're Black Ajah) *NM* - 06/04/2010 11:47:36 PM 860 Views
    Nope, not how it works - 07/04/2010 06:30:51 AM 1644 Views
    Re: Nope, not how it works - 07/04/2010 07:26:03 AM 1808 Views
    it was set just after the trolloc wars, the oaths wern't around then *NM* - 07/04/2010 01:30:35 PM 868 Views
    Ah,neat *NM* - 07/04/2010 02:52:23 PM 859 Views
    Thanks for the heads up there - 05/04/2010 06:25:30 PM 1463 Views
    Vote: blaine - 04/04/2010 08:17:07 PM 1592 Views
    Happy Easter!!! *NM* - 04/04/2010 09:01:33 PM 979 Views
    The bottom line is... - 05/04/2010 03:24:44 AM 1619 Views
    Re: The bottom line is... - 05/04/2010 04:57:02 AM 1416 Views
    He's not saying "please don't kill me" - 05/04/2010 05:01:41 AM 1375 Views
    Pretty much - 05/04/2010 05:27:12 AM 1525 Views
    I'd agree- except, your explanation also has a hole - 05/04/2010 05:42:20 AM 1598 Views
    Yup, this pretty much sums it up. - 05/04/2010 06:40:08 AM 1420 Views
    I disagree almost completely... - 07/04/2010 12:11:58 AM 1505 Views
    I think we agree on more than you think. - 07/04/2010 03:46:53 AM 1621 Views
    Re: I'd agree- except, your explanation also has a hole - 05/04/2010 07:50:54 AM 1676 Views
    Yes, but you said you joined because they invaded your country - 05/04/2010 08:36:45 AM 1615 Views
    Exactly, I made a mistake and thought our game was set during the time of the novels. - 06/04/2010 01:36:44 AM 1707 Views
    Are you, as you originally said, a native Amadecian? *NM* - 06/04/2010 02:40:58 AM 1006 Views
    Yes *NM* - 06/04/2010 05:27:40 AM 982 Views
    My issue was with the reason you say you joined the Whitecloaks - 06/04/2010 06:43:00 AM 1567 Views
    I'm going to risk giving Blaine a lifeline to hide behind, but... - 06/04/2010 03:51:42 PM 1550 Views
    But...doesn't something still not even add up here? - 06/04/2010 08:44:43 PM 1412 Views
    EBWOP - 06/04/2010 09:46:30 PM 1556 Views
    I don't see why not - 06/04/2010 10:10:22 PM 1523 Views
    Oh, but in addition - 06/04/2010 10:14:10 PM 1767 Views
    Oh I see now. - 07/04/2010 12:58:57 AM 1598 Views
    Yes Gher is correct - 07/04/2010 06:16:54 AM 1646 Views
    This really works either way, though. And... where does this leave us? - 07/04/2010 06:37:30 AM 1460 Views
    Well - 07/04/2010 12:16:41 AM 1619 Views
    But you don't have to take my word for it. Hobo also specifically mentioned the "Aiel War" - 07/04/2010 01:22:47 AM 1550 Views
    Yes, but I knew we weren't set in present day. - 07/04/2010 02:34:03 AM 1784 Views
    Re: Well - 07/04/2010 06:24:43 AM 1551 Views
    Strange. My role specifically mentioned the Aiel War. - 07/04/2010 07:22:32 AM 1433 Views
    Re: He's not saying "please don't kill me" - 05/04/2010 07:20:25 AM 1648 Views
    Well, I'm back. - 06/04/2010 04:42:41 AM 1569 Views
    Vote: Blaine - 06/04/2010 05:12:08 AM 1561 Views
    Actually, I'm witholding judgment on Talic, now that he's explained himself - 06/04/2010 06:35:48 AM 1526 Views
    Re: Actually, I'm witholding judgment on Talic, now that he's explained himself - 07/04/2010 12:24:46 AM 1492 Views
    EBWOP - 07/04/2010 12:35:18 AM 1413 Views
    Re: Actually, I'm witholding judgment on Talic, now that he's explained himself - 07/04/2010 01:57:01 AM 1611 Views
    Exactly. - 07/04/2010 03:53:23 AM 1666 Views
    Re: Vote: Blaine - 06/04/2010 09:38:10 PM 1733 Views
    Re: Vote: Blaine - 06/04/2010 09:45:42 PM 1635 Views
    Does someone feel like hammering? Or being really eloquent, and getting us a new target? - 07/04/2010 07:31:32 AM 1637 Views
    I'm fine with hammering - 07/04/2010 09:17:05 AM 1463 Views
    I haven't voted. *NM* - 07/04/2010 01:49:13 PM 793 Views
    Lynch Verified: Blaine has been lynched - 07/04/2010 02:08:57 PM 1723 Views
    Twilight - 07/04/2010 02:53:33 PM 1864 Views
    Hmm... - 08/04/2010 09:43:54 AM 1474 Views
    I wish *NM* - 08/04/2010 04:40:10 PM 893 Views

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