Active Users:328 Time:12/03/2025 03:30:02 PM
Origin Chart (Table) - Edit 21

Before modification by beetnemesis at 03/04/2010 06:44:40 PM

Thank God (well, Mod) for alphabetization...

Players - Alphabetical Roster

Amys- Male Tar Valon Banker
Artsapat- Lugarder armsman with some money, rescued a noble. Dresses in dark green, with a sword. Green eyes, red hair.
Bergioyn- Redheaded Saldaean noble- green dress.
Beetnemesis- Blonde-haired, blue eyed, Female Taraboner historian. Dressed in red-and-white striped clothes, with golden fringe.
BlackAdder- Cairhienin veteran of the Aiel War
Blaine- Young male, brown hair, cut short, born and raised in Amadacia. "Noble house but when the Shaido Aiel attacked my country I wanted to help defend my homeland and joined the Children of the Light"
Darth Katie- Female, older, dark brown hair and eyes. Tarien minor noble
Fanatic-Templar- "military officer, minor noble, retired due to injuries, i.e. has ONE ARM
fistofpainx- Illianer rich merchant. Fat. Red and gold clothes, brown hair and green eyes, lots of rings.
Fox and Ravens- Saldaean, brown hair and eyes. (may dress in black and red?) Has a dagger. Acquaintance of Maud
Gher- Ebou Dar, born and raised. "Something of a soldier." Well-traveled. One eye. Male, older, blond-grey hair, blue eyed and wearing blue.
Hobo- Amadecian Aiel War vet. Wears grey, has a sword. Brown-grey hair, blue eyes.
Kronin al'Sulc- Malkieri who lives in Shienar. Wears black, with a hadori in his dark brown hair. Green eyes.
Napoleon62- Nationalistic Andorman; minor noble/merchant
Ranagrande- Woman. Shienarian invited for unknown reasons. Dressed all in black, with black hair.
Talic- Former (?) Tinker
White Flame of Tar Valon- Blonde hair, brown eyes, wears green. Kandori invited for unknown reasons
Yunalesca- Saldaean with dark, greying hair and a pale red dress. Local noblewoman

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