All right, Murtach74 has suggested a second mafia/DF run simultaneous to the main one, though he(?) has agreed it would be unwise to start recruitment for it until at least day 2.
On that note, I do think we can sieze on the extra activity from the site change to do some gaming recruitment, but it also occurs to me we probably need to run a flat, standardized game for new players. That could easily be the game suggested in this case.
Over at mafiascum it's traditional to run newb games of 7 people, 2 DFs, a cop, maybe a doc, and the rest flat vanilla, no clues, psychocops, vigs, one-shot or anything like that. Usually 2 or more veteran players play in the newb game to help keep things on track and introduce terms and concepts via play. Slap one a 10 day per game day deadline and these games ought to run fairly quickly, maybe even 10 days for day 1 and 1 week for day 2 and on.
This might not be a bad idea, as the main core of DF players at this point tend to basically play well over what someone can handle in their first game, the game itself relies primarily on just be paranoid and sneaky, but there is enough terminology and concepts that new players are at a major disadvantage in their first game, so a simple one up front with mostly new players works well. They can play a game or two there then move on, and I'm sure quite a few of us would be happy to play the occassional simplified game. It's also a good place for people to mod their first game.
Essentially we'd run a standardized game, 7 players, 1 cop, 2 DF, 4 vanilla. We might want to compile a list of other simple and small setups, say town with a cop and a mason circle of 2, or cop/doc, just to keep some variety and be able to introduce other roles. In any event, a mod steps forward and gets 5 new or near-new players signed on, plus two of the vet players - which at this point would be anyone who has played say, 4 games.
So, thoughts?
On that note, I do think we can sieze on the extra activity from the site change to do some gaming recruitment, but it also occurs to me we probably need to run a flat, standardized game for new players. That could easily be the game suggested in this case.
Over at mafiascum it's traditional to run newb games of 7 people, 2 DFs, a cop, maybe a doc, and the rest flat vanilla, no clues, psychocops, vigs, one-shot or anything like that. Usually 2 or more veteran players play in the newb game to help keep things on track and introduce terms and concepts via play. Slap one a 10 day per game day deadline and these games ought to run fairly quickly, maybe even 10 days for day 1 and 1 week for day 2 and on.
This might not be a bad idea, as the main core of DF players at this point tend to basically play well over what someone can handle in their first game, the game itself relies primarily on just be paranoid and sneaky, but there is enough terminology and concepts that new players are at a major disadvantage in their first game, so a simple one up front with mostly new players works well. They can play a game or two there then move on, and I'm sure quite a few of us would be happy to play the occassional simplified game. It's also a good place for people to mod their first game.
Essentially we'd run a standardized game, 7 players, 1 cop, 2 DF, 4 vanilla. We might want to compile a list of other simple and small setups, say town with a cop and a mason circle of 2, or cop/doc, just to keep some variety and be able to introduce other roles. In any event, a mod steps forward and gets 5 new or near-new players signed on, plus two of the vet players - which at this point would be anyone who has played say, 4 games.
So, thoughts?
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
- Albert Einstein
King of Cairhien 20-7-2
Chancellor of the Landsraad, Archduke of Is'Mod
Inn thread - Evalyn's Sorrow
31/08/2009 10:15:34 PM
Newbie Mafia?
01/09/2009 12:17:49 AM
Hey everybody!
01/09/2009 01:38:05 AM
I won't be participating in any Mafia games, but I'll be watching you.
01/09/2009 02:20:07 PM
So you'll be roleplaying a sparkling vampire?
01/09/2009 05:38:24 PM
Can we do a Twlight-WoT rpg cross-over?
01/09/2009 07:07:19 PM
Sparkling vampiric woolheads thinking with the hair on their sculpted alabaster chests? *NM*
01/09/2009 07:11:05 PM
What, that doesn't sound like fun to you? *NM*
01/09/2009 10:03:12 PM
Well, to be honest JE...
03/09/2009 01:57:36 AM
In that case ...
03/09/2009 02:20:20 AM
Do I get a chance to be a wollheaded lummox on the side? *NM*
05/09/2009 02:00:22 PM
Wait, can we still call her JE?
04/09/2009 12:25:02 AM
I want in on the next game. I'll try to keep up and check when it starts,
03/09/2009 01:29:23 AM
In F-T's welcome post,
03/09/2009 07:33:43 PM
It's like a story.
03/09/2009 08:08:23 PM
On the note of that newb mafia game,
09/09/2009 02:42:51 AM
Mafia Mod
09/09/2009 09:30:35 PM
As long as it's not a Twilight-Wot cross-over. *NM*
10/09/2009 01:56:03 AM
Not sure if anyone still looks here, but I have a new idea for a type of game...
16/10/2009 12:14:30 AM
Looks like nobody looks here anymore. *NM*
17/10/2009 05:43:18 PM
I see all, know all. *NM*
17/10/2009 06:24:30 PM
Oh, well I figured that since my posts only had two views each...
17/10/2009 09:39:27 PM
Well guess this board isn't working anymore......
05/11/2009 11:11:06 PM
How long ago did that Mafia topic arrive?
18/01/2010 06:29:14 AM